FTP实现运行一个默认数据端口,用户PI才能改变默认端口。 通过PORT命令可能改变端口,用户可能希望数据在第三方主机上进行其它操作,用户PI需要在两个服务器PI上建立连接。一个服务器被告知侦听另一服务器的请求。用户PI通过PORT命令通知另一服务器的数据端口。最后双方发送相应的传送命令。通常,服务器负责支持数据连接,初始...
No matter what protocol you are using, the FTP port or other ports opened ensure that you are making the desired connection and that your data transfers efficiently between endpoints.
| Protocol: 6 TCP - Transmission Control Protocol | | Header Checksum: 0xAA36 | | Source IP Address: DEMO | | Dest. IP Address: VI | | No IP Options | | | | TCP - Transport Control Protocol | | Source Port: 2342 manage-exec | | Destination Port: 21 ft...
port port-number:指定与应用层协议映射的端口。port-number表示端口号,取值范围为0~65535。 protocol protocol-name:指定应用层协议使用的传输层协议名称,其取值及含义如下: · dccp:表示DCCP(Datagram Congestion Control Protocol,数据报拥塞控制协议)协议。 · sctp:表示SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol,流...
FTP Protocol (data) over TLS/SSL 990 TCP,UDP FTP Protocol (control) over TLS/SSL FTP Port Number 20 and 21 FTP port 20 is the default data port for FTP connections. When an FTP client establishes a connection with an FTP server, it first communicates with the server using the control ...
,ftp protocol port number,ftp protocols,ftp test protocol,ftp transport protocol,ftp uses which protocol,how does ftp protocol work,how ftp protocol works,in ftp protocol client contacts server using,test ftp protocol,use of ftp protocol,uses of ftp protocol,what is ftp,what is ftp protocol...
For secure FTP, make sure to set up explicit File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS), rather than implicit FTPS. Also, some FTP servers, such as ProFTPd, require that you enable the NoSessionReuseRequired option if you use Transport Layer Security (TLS) mode, the successor to Secure Socket Lay...
如果当前FTP服务器的端口号不是21,执行命令ftp server port,设置FTP服务器的端口号为21。 <HUAWEI>system-view[HUAWEI]undo ftp serverInfo: Succeeded in closing the FTP server.[HUAWEI]ftp server port 21[HUAWEI]ftp server enableWarning: FTP is not a secure protocol, and it is recommended to use SF...
Q2. What is the FTP Port Number? The FTP port number 21 makes the control connection between a client and a server. Which enables connection establishment and command transmission. It is an established port for using the FTP protocol. Although passive mode allows the server to use a random ...
protocol-command:FTP协议命令。【描述】remotehelp命令用来显示FTP协议命令的帮助信息。只有当FTP服务器提供协议命令帮助时,remotehelp命令才有效。l 当H3C系列交换机作为FTP服务器时,该命令均有效。 l 当用户使用其他FTP服务器软件时,请参考该软件的相关说明,以确认该FTP服务器能否提供协议命令帮助。