3|0端口 计算机“端口”是英文port的义译,可以认为是计算机与外界通讯交流的出口。 公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023 注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151 动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535(SUN的RPC端口从32768开始) 1|0常见端口 8080为http服务的备用端口 21FTP服务...
四、winServer2008开启端口 计算机“端口”是英文port的义译,可以认为是计算机与外界通讯交流的出口。 1、公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023 2、注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151 3、动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535(SUN的RPC端口从32768开始) 常见端口 8080为http服...
计算机“端口”是英文port的义译,可以认为是计算机与外界通讯交流的出口。1、公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到10232、注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到491513、动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535(SUN的RPC端口从32768开始)常见端口8080为http服务的备用端口 21FTP服务器所开放的...
1.1 PORT(主动模式) 在主动模式下,FTP客户端随机开启一个大于1024的端口N向服务器的21号端口发起连接,发送FTP用户名和密码,然后开放N+1号端口进行监听,并向服务器发出PORT N+1...FTP服务器接收到PORT命令后,会用其本地的FTP数据端口(通常是20)来连接客户端指定的端口N+1,进行数据传输。 ...1.2 PASV(...
FTP Server Port int FTP Port Number (example: 21) Enable SSL? bool Enable SSL? (True/False) Binary Transport? bool Enable Binary Transport? (True/False) Disable Certificate Validation? bool Disable Certificate Validation? (True/False) Close connection after request completion bool Close FTP...
FTP Server Port int FTP Port Number (example: 21) Enable SSL? bool Enable SSL? (True/False) Binary Transport? bool Enable Binary Transport? (True/False) Disable Certificate Validation? bool Disable Certificate Validation? (True/False) Close connection after request completion bool Close FTP...
addressing information, the application inspection function monitors sessions in order to determine the port numbers for secondary channels. Many protocols open secondary TCP or UDP ports to improve performance. The initial session on a well-known port is used to negotiate dynamically assign...
FTP Server Port int FTP Port Number (example: 21) Enable SSL? bool Enable SSL? (True/False) Binary Transport? bool Enable Binary Transport? (True/False) Disable Certificate Validation? bool Disable Certificate Validation? (True/False) Close connection after request completion bool Close FTP...
FTP Server Port int FTP Port Number (example: 21) Enable SSL? bool Enable SSL? (True/False) Binary Transport? bool Enable Binary Transport? (True/False) Disable Certificate Validation? bool Disable Certificate Validation? (True/False) Close connection after request completion bool Close FTP...