0001603C : FTP data port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user ID [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. FTP data port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user ID [arg3] from [arg4] at IP address [arg5]. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) data port number...
ftp>425:Could not open data connection to port xxxx: Connection timed out 出现这个问题可能时以下几个原因: 被防火墙挡住了,可尝试在关闭防火墙一段时间,待到数据传输完成再重新开启。或者在防火墙上打开FTP端口。 当前用户没有查看内容的权限,这个让管理员修改用户配置权限。 网管屏蔽了FTP端口,默认是pasv模式,...
FTP连接服务器时出现 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.一般是客户端设置PORT 主动方式连接造成的。切换成PASV 被动模式后一般能连接上。 一、什么是PASV和PORT方式 (1)PORT其实是Standard模式的另一个名字,又称为Active模式。中文意思是“主动模式。 (2)PASV也就是Passive的简写。中文就是“被动模式。 二、...
NiFi ListenFTP Processor Default Data Port Labels: Apache NiFi 3markt New Contributor Created 08-02-2023 03:17 AM What is the default port used by the Apache NiFi processor ListenFTP for the data channel in active FTP mode? For the control channel the default port is 2221. Is the ...
A database of investment projects and business resources in the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) was launched on Oct 13 at the Haikou International Convention and Exhibition Center, according to reports by Hainan Daily. The creation of the database is a move by the island province to create a ...
目的 设置在建立被动模式 FTP 连接时要使用的 FTP 服务器的端口号范围。环境 带托管存储位置的 NuGenesis 8 或 9 SDMS 步骤配置FTP 站点: 打开IIS 管理器。 选择服务器名。 双击“FTP 防火墙支持”。 在“数据通道端口范围”框中指定数字范围(例如,3000-3500),然后单击“应用”。 ...
Active ftp is not working, iptables is blocking connection to data port at client end. Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. ...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a port access control system that efficiently performs the elaboration of a data connection or the like in an FTP file transmission via a fire-wall and to provide an FTP data connection elaboration method and the fire-wall.WAKABAYASHI OSAMU...
a: For FTP, a second connection is dynamically created on other ports for the transfer of data. The Astaro Security Gateway must be able to assign this to the allowed FTP connection on port 21. : 为FTP,第二连接在其他口岸动态地被创造为数据调动。 Astaro安全门户在口岸21一定能分配此到允许的...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a port access control system that efficiently performs the elaboration of a data connection or the like in an FTP file transmission via a fire-wall and to provide an FTP data connection elaboration method and the fire-wall. SOLUTION: An FTP client 3 requests...