Mule is giving FTP:550 error as the file is taking a longer time to get copied into the FTP folder and before that mule application is picking the file to process it. It is not possible to give a delay time to ...
550,说明位址有错误,可能是盗连没有改。 详细的FTP错误列表 110 Restart marker reply. In this case, the text is exact and not left to the particular implementation; it must read: MARK yyyy = mmmm where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server's equivalent marker (note the ...
550 FTP Response code 551 FTP Response code 552 FTP Response code 553 FTP Response code See also 536 FTP Response code A 536 response code may be sent in response to a PROT command when the requested protection level is unsupported by the current security mechanism. It is a permanent negativ...
Note: In general, the reply code descriptions below will not match the messages received from a foreign host, since reply message text will vary from one server implementation to another. The following descriptions are intended to provide an explanation of the reply codes themselves. Table 1. FT...
550,说明位址有错误,可能是盗连没有改。 详细的FTP错误列表 110 Restart marker reply. In this case, the text is exact and not left to the particular implementation; it must read: MARK yyyy = mmmm where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server's equivalent marker (note the ...
回复(reply)是响应 FTP 命令从服务器通过控制连接发送给用户的确认(肯定或否定)。回复的一般形式是完成代码(包括错误代码)后跟文本字符串。代码供程序使用,文本通常供人类用户使用。 服务器-DTP 数据传输过程在其正常的“活动”状态下,与“侦听”数据端口建立数据连接。它设置传输和存储参数,并根据来自其 PI 的命令...
但是当我cd /vol或cd ..时,它显示的是550 Failed to change directory错误。 浏览0提问于2013-07-04得票数 2 1回答 FTP调色板失败 对于调色板"FTP Dir",我将"D:\FullPath\MyFolder“作为Directory参数。部署后会出现以下错误: Cannot perform FTP Operation: DIR.Returned Code: 550. Detail Description:...
libvirt会在/etc/libvirt/qemu/目录下,保存很多份qemu的配置文件,如ubuntu.xml。 作者发现其中的配置...
DELE Delete. 250,421,502,530,550 删除服务器上的指定文件 ___ ENC Privacy Protected Command. ___
Error code (1) whenever running a python Script in Task scheduler error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR Windows 10 Ver 1803 Error code is 2150858882 Error Description: 13801: IKE authentication credentials are unacceptable. Error ID 2001 - Source : Usbperf Unable to read the "First Counter"...