可能导致“file unavailable”错误的原因 文件不存在:你尝试访问的文件在服务器上实际上并不存在。 路径错误:提供的文件路径不正确,导致服务器无法定位到文件。 权限不足:你使用的FTP账户没有足够的权限来访问该文件。 服务器配置问题:服务器配置不当,如默认目录设置错误或未正确映射路径。 文件名编码问题:如果文件名...
当您在使用FTP(文件传输协议)时遇到“550”错误,这通常意味着服务器拒绝了您尝试执行的删除操作,具体来说,错误信息可能是这样的:“550 Permission denied”或者“550 File unavailable”,以下是关于FTP执行delete操作时遇到550报错的详细解释及可能的解决方案。 (图片来源网络,侵删) 错误原因 1、权限不足:最常见的原...
The remote server returned an error:(550) File unavailable(e.g. file not found, no access) 详细信息为 No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page 经查,FileZilla Server某个版本后仅可以使用utf-8做为文件名编码,因此客户端也应该使用utf-8 但FtpWebRequest不能...
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).请求操作未被执行,文件不可用。问题出现的原因:上传文件的是无法写入文件,导致找不到文件!而无法上传文件,是因为用户没有写入文件的权限!由于项目变换了环境,设置环境的文件夹并没有给予用户写入权限,用户...
550 file unavailable error trying to upload a file with FtpWebRequest A better way to validate special characters in passwords? A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time A DataTable named 'tablename' already belongs to this DataSet. ...
FTP Send File Error "The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)." Function In SQL Server to Convert from CST to GMT Generate Code Map: Unable to Connect to the Specified Database Generate SSRS PDF from SSIS get data from .DAT fi...
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).请求操作未被执行,文件不可用。问题出现的原因:上传文件的是无法写入文件,导致找不到文件!而无法上传文件,是因为用户没有写入文件的权限!由于项目变换了环境,设置环境的文件夹并没有给予用户写入权限,用户...
550 file unavailable error trying to upload a file with FtpWebRequest A better way to validate special characters in passwords? A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time A DataTable named 'tablename' already belongs to this DataSet. ...
FTP Send File Error "The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)." Function In SQL Server to Convert from CST to GMT Generate Code Map: Unable to Connect to the Specified Database Generate SSRS PDF from SSIS get data from .DAT file...