选择单波数法,Wavenumber中输入定量 波数,或点击键用鼠标在谱图中选择。如图: 4、 设置校正曲线参数:Order(曲线次数)选择 Linear(一次曲线)、 Square(二次曲线)或Cubic(三次 13、曲线),Origin(原点)选择Ignore (忽略)、Fit(应用)和Force(强制)。如图: 5、 以上参数设置好后,点击键,校正曲线即显示在右下窗 ...
PerkinElmer Software -First take a background spectrum with the empty tube inside the FTIR spectrometer.-This will automatically save a background transmittance. Add 2-3 drops of HCl to the tube and reinsert it into the FTIR. In the top left corner set the wavenumber from 3500 cm-1 to ...
同时以沸石为水处理剂,深度 Wavenumber/cm‘1 净化水体中的典型污染物,加快沸石合成机制分析与沸石产 FTIR inthe ofzeolitefromash Fig.4 spectrassynthesis fly 品实际应用的进度,为此类资源的商品化应用提供参考。 h (a):6h;(b):12h;(c):24h;(d):48 Ahrnaruzzaman Combust.Sci.,2010,36:327. rL IVl....
选择单波数法,Wavenumber 中输入定量 波数,或点击 键用鼠标在谱图中选择。如图: 4、 设置校正曲线参数:Order(曲线次数)选择Linear(一次曲线)、 Square(二次曲线)或Cubic(三次曲线),Origin(原点)选择Ignore (忽略)、Fit(应用)和Force(强制)。如图: 5、 以上参数设置好后,点击 键,校正曲线即显示在右下窗...
3000 220(1 3000 2200 Wavenumber/cm’ Wavenumber/era’ InsituATR-FHRofthe of Table1 of inFHR Fig.2 spectra photosynthesis Assigmnentabsorptionpeaks spectra Brassicaoberaceavar atdifferenttime of acep,mfn Brassicaoberaceavar acephala learof learofthalliumstress; (a):tenderCK;(b):tender 吸收峰...
Spectral contribution of increased ammonium, phosphate, uric acid, sulphate, and urea in the high wavenumber region. (The spectra are obtained using artificial urine solutions, as explained in the Materials and Methods section). Full size image Examination of spectra in terms of ammonium, phosphate...
面对能量中心法进行说明,设i为功率谱第i条线值, 0为主瓣内谱线最大值,根据窗函数的能量重特性有[6] , 图1 单一波数的光信号谱图ig1 Spectrumofasinglewavenumber X-2 x-1 x+20 y0 y1-1-1-2 n 0 ) 0 x x i − + = (13)i n− 化简上式有, n n n 0 0 ) ( ) 0 i i x x...