Wavenumber repeatability<10PPM Scan frequency1 spectrum / second Control laserTemperature-stabilized solid-state laser @850nm A/D Converter24bit Amplifier4 gain levels low noise trans-impedance amplifier Operating temperature10°C-40°C Free-space interface? 12.7mm collimated (max ~30mrad half angle)...
Light with shorter wavelengths and higher energy will have a larger wavenumber, while light that has longer wavelengths will have lower energy and wavenumbers. Mid-IR, near-IR, and far-IR Infrared light can be further divided into three categories: Near infrared (NIR), mid infrared (MIR), ...
The wavenumber assignments have been made for the proline functional groups, viz. COOH, COO-, CNCCC ring, [NH2]+, (CH2), CCN and CH. In both crystals, two proline residues share one proton and become monoprotonated. The observed bands show that in both compounds one of the proline ...
PerkinElmer FT-IR 谱仪用户指南说明书 FT-IR Spectroscopy A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E Author:Kyle Saunders PerkinElmer, Inc.Seer Green, UK Introduction Resins are used universally in the manufacture of a vast range of goods including electronics, disposable medical devices and even ...
Apart from that, it offers an advanced stabilization of the IR source and features a durable diode laser with a life-time >10 years. It is operated by patented technology and consistently achieves highest wavenumber accuracy and spectral stability. ...
Wavenumber High Low Mode Slit Noise Filter Chart Expansion 纵坐标方式 即时波数位置 扫描范围高限 扫描范围低限 方式选择 狭缝程序选择 噪声滤波 走纸扩展 8 三、仪器基本操作方法 1.开机预热 插上电源线,开启仪器电源开关,预热 30min。同时,仪器进入初 始化状态。当仪器面板上如下状...
The red shift of the NH stretching wavenumber in the infrared (IR) spectrum from the computed wavenumber indicates the weakening of the NH bond resulting in proton transfer to the neighbouring oxygen atom. The simultaneous IR and Raman activations of the CO stretching mode give the charge ...
Results There was no different in the total PGs content of the two samples calculated by an indirection method.N-H bending vibration wavenumber of collagen in the second derivative peaks (in articular surface cartilage is 1 514 cm-1,in the loose body is 1 516 cm-1) and N-H bending ...
">Wavenumber accuracyWavenumber repetability[cm-1 @ 2000cm-1]<0.1<0.02Scan frequency1 spectrum every 2.5s(interferogram averaging mode)