The two most common technologies for express food analysis are IR spectroscopy with sub-division in NIR (near-infrared) and MIR (mid-infrared). NIR lies in region between 780nm < 侉 < 2,500 nm (12,820-4,000 cm-1) [1] and MIR in region 3000 nm < 侉 < 50,000 nm. Besides, ...
移动式食品 FTIR 分析 中国总部 | 其他分公司 北京市朝阳区望京北路 3 号 100102 全球电子邮件 +86 800-820-3278 +86 400-820-3278 全球联系电话 关于安捷伦 新闻中心 公司信息 投资商关系 工作 社会关系 与安捷伦合作 大学关系 环境、社会和公司治理 卓越的科学...
关键词:食用油,中红外,检测,水分含量,反式脂肪酸 III 万方数据 浙江工业大学硕士论文 FTIR技术分析食用油的水分以及反式脂肪酸含量的研究 STUDY ON ANALYSIS OF MOISTURE CONTENT AND TRANS FATTY ACID CONTENT IN THE EDIBLE OILS BY FTIR ABSTRACT Edible oil is a daily necessity andindispensable nutrition.As ...
[5]DONG X, LI Q, SUN D, et al. Direct FTIR analysis of free fatty acids in edible oils using disposable polyethylene films. Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 185:503-508. [6]LI Y, GARCÍA-GONZÁLEZ D L, YU X, et al. Determination of free ...
withprincipalcomponentanalysiswasutilize inthisstu y.Liu aoteasamplesfromfive ifferentstorageyearswere olle te forF IRanalysis,theraw infrare spe traofthesampleswerepro esse ythefirst erivative,the atawasuse toesta lisha is riminate mo el ymeansofprin ipal omponentanalysis,an theloa ingfa tors...
s extensive series of spectral libraries includes information specific to application, industry, or spectral technique. When selecting libraries, it is important to pick libraries based on mode of analysis and resolution. The libraries...
This paper explains the result of measuring substances that can easily contaminate food using FTIR and EDX. In addition, the results of analyzing contaminants on the surface of frozen pizza are introduced as an example of actual analysis using FTIR, EDX, and also EPMA, Analysis by these devices...
When selecting libraries, it is important to pick libraries based on mode of analysis and resolution. The libraries span applications for hazmat, forensics, food, polymers, organic and inorganic chemistry, and microplastics. Spec...