(Irtran-4) 1.0-19.5 10,000-515 2.41 Insoluble Polyethylene (high density) 16-333 625-30 1.54 (at 5,000 cm-1) Insoluble 窗片的选择和使用 红外官能团区域表Infrared Functional Group Table 固体样品测量 固体样品的制备和测试 固体样品可以有各种不同的形态,有粉末样品,有颗粒状、块状样品,也有薄膜,...
其中塔里木油砂包括维普资讯http:// 434 地球化学 2001正裹1 沥青质分子中不同官能团的红外吸收位置及其特征 TabLeI F~f-IRad~rption⋯ⅢIdcharactedsfies ofdiferentfunctionalgroupsinasphahenemol~ules 注:对参考文献【7】进行补亢而完成。 fI) =弱,m=中,s=强,一非常强,v=可变的: (2)v、 v=伸缩、...
Figure 4. FTIR Spectroscopy functional group correlation table Near-IR Spectroscopy The Near-IR portion of the electromagnetic spectrum falls between 4,000 to 12,800 cm-1. This region consists of overtones (two of the same vibrational modes occurring simultaneously) and combinations (two different ...
Group frequencies are characteristic of small groups of atoms or functional groups such as CH₂, OH, and C=O. These types of bands are typically seen above 1,500cm-1 in the infrared spectrum and they’re usually unique to a specific functional group, making them a reliable means of iden...
Depending on the wave number, express the functional bond, and its groshownhows in Table 3 [26,27]. Table 3. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy peak values of Calotropis procera. NoPeak (wave number cm −1)IntensityBondFunctional group assignmentRemark an assignment 1 3391 Weak broad O...
Table 2. Functional groups and modes of vibration in ethanolic and aqueous extracts. Wavenumber (cm−1)Functional groupVibration mode 3292 OH Stretching (sym) 2929 and 2852 CH (CH2) Asymmetric & symmetric stretching vibration of methylene (CH2) group 2852 CH (CHO) Stretching (sym) 1734 CO ...
The resultant predictive calibration was significantly improved because the R2 values for the model statistics increased from 0.782 to 0.823 for calibration, and from 0.666 to 0.734 for cross validation (Table 1). Correspondingly, root mean square errors also decreased for both calibration and cross ...
(Fig.2and Table4). The area from about 1040 to 930 cm−1and below can be significantly strengthened by the stretching vibrations of C–O in C–OH group and stretching of C–C in the carbohydrate structure37,39,40. The area below 930 cm−1(from 930 to about 700 cm−1) is ...
It is well known that FTIR spectroscopy is an excellent tool for structural and quantitative analysis of polysaccharides, including pectins (Kacˇurakováet al., 2001;Schulz and Baranska, 2007) (seeTable 12.2for details). Citrus pectin and its various carboxylic forms (i.e. pectinic acid, pot...
1(B), encompassing steps of initiation, propagation and termination, as presented in Table 1. This mechanism initiates with an initial decomposition reaction, generating alkyl radicals (R*) from the polymer macromolecules (RH), consequently causing polymer chain fragmentation primarily through C–H ...