其中塔里木油砂包括维普资讯http:// 434 地球化学 2001正裹1 沥青质分子中不同官能团的红外吸收位置及其特征 TabLeI F~f-IRad~rption⋯ⅢIdcharactedsfies ofdiferentfunctionalgroupsinasphahenemol~ules 注:对参考文献【7】进行补亢而完成。 fI) =弱,m=中,s=强,一非常强,v=可变的: (2)v、 v=伸缩、...
Table 3. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy peak values of Calotropis procera. NoPeak (wave number cm −1)IntensityBondFunctional group assignmentRemark an assignment 1 3391 Weak broad O–H Hydroxyl group stretching vibrations of O–H bond in alcohols or phenols 2 2917 Strong C–H Alkane ...
Table 3. Vibration peaks of analytical grade compounds found in welding fumes and their vibration mode. CompoundsIR Absorption frequency (cm−1)Functional groupsRef. Potassium Dichromate 555 Cr-O-Cr anti symmetric [28], [29], [31], [32], [43] 566 Cr-O-Cr anti symmetric [29], [32]...
Antioxidant Activity The results showed that the antioxidant activity from highest to lowest in a row were as follows: green coffee, roasted coffee powder, tiwai powder, a mixture of roasted coffee powder with tiwai powder, roasted coffee powder with instant tiwai (Table 1). Based on the ...
Tatulian / Structural analysis of proteins by isotope-edited FTIR spectroscopy Table 1 The parameters of amide hydrogen exchange of the N-terminal helix and the internal helices of human pancreatic PLA2 free in the buffer and bound to POPC/POPG (4:1) membranes. In both cases, the buffer ...
us, the XRD 10 Journal of Spectroscopy Table 2: Statistic results of the infrared spectral structural parameters of five coal samples before and after pyrolysis. Sample number Temperature (°C) P1 Structural parameters P2 P3 P4 P5 Raw coal – 1.965 0.885 1.062 0.585 100°C – 1.941 0.880 ...
Table 1. Agilent Cary 670 FTIR and 620 FTIR microscope collection parameters Parameter Speed Spectral resolution Scans Spatial resolution Mosaic Value 5 kHz 4 cm-1 128 5.5 µm 4x6 1.4 mm 2.2 mm Figure 1. The hippocampus section of the brain of a normal 5 month old mouse1 Results and ...
(Supplementary Table 1). SR-FTIR spectra of the bone matrix showed that most of the hydroxyl groups of apatite were absent, and instead, contained many carbonate and phosphate substitutions. Furthermore, a considerable broadening of the 950–1,200 cm−1phosphate bands was observed as the ...
macrocarpa, and the functional group assignment is summarized in Table 2. The whole range of FTIR raw spectra looks very similar by observation because of the similarity in chemical composition. That is, significant relationship within the FTIR spectra and α-glucosidase inhibition was not detected ...
Fit results are presented in Table 1. (···) Curve-fitting residual in an enhanced scale and shifted down for a clearer display. (C) (---) MLR (γ′ = 18 cm−1) of the c-atr-inhibited Anc2pHis. (——) FSD of the c-atr-inhibited Anc2pHis (γ′ = 18 cm−1, k = 2....