Discusses the relevance of online database containing Fourier transform infrared spectra of pigments and artists' materials, which is called e-vibrational spectroscopic database of artist's materials (e-VISART). Features of e-VISART database; Analysis of spectra database.Castro...
The database structure provides the ultimate in data security. OMNIC Paradigm Software for desktop and touchscreen is an advanced software package for FTIR spectroscopy, designed to simplify how you acquire, process, and interpret...
The database structure provides the ultimate in data security. OMNIC Paradigm Software for desktop and touchscreen is an advanced software package for FTIR spectroscopy, designed to simplify how you acquire, process, and interpret data, and to help...
Infrared spectra library. IR spectra. FTIR spectra database chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical, drugs, forensic, hazardous, explosives, pesticides
90;j Agilent Technologies3.0Spectrumfroei an Unknown SwpleUUC4422Comparisonto a databaseof spectraMJCqyav4000uouesuQouooPolyst)Tn1000XKK)2000Wavenumber4000300020001000vravtnumbtr2 0 82 2 116 5、14122 o0246810121416182022Peak AreaCalibration curve for Fructose concentrationFTIR光谱仪的优点1) Connes优点:...
This repository showcases a database of 10,000 generated IR spectrum samples of leukemia cases (N=5000) and healthy controls (N=5000). Only the fingerprint region (1800 cm^-1 to 850 cm^-1 at 4 cm^-1 resolution) was considered. ...
FTIRsearch.com is a pay-per-use service. The search engine uses a debit system where a certain number of "credits" are deducted from your FTIRsearch.com account when you initiate a new database search. You can continually refine your settings for each search as many times as you like wit...
databasefordiagnosticpurposesandtoidentifyoptimalspectralrangesusefulforchemometric analyses. Introduction Owingtothevarietyoftheircomponents,conservationandrestorationofancientpaper documentsoftenrequireapreliminaryanalysisoftheircomposition.TothisendtheFTIRanalysis appearverypromisingparticularlyinAttenuatedTotalReflectance(ATR)...
If you received a card with an FTIRsearch.com/RAMANsearch.com Certificate Number printed on it, you canredeem it instantlyfor free searches of the FTIRsearch.com/RAMANsearch.com database. Make sure you redeem your Certificate Number before it expires. If you don't want to use your Certifica...
Our database infrastructure, streamlined data security software, and Audit Manager applications keep your data compliant and well protected. Manage multiple user permissions, digitally sign important files, and track detailed user activity using the OMNIC Paradigm Security Suite Software. cGxP compliance ...