We also offer Aldrich-Ichem spectral library, Hummel Polymer Libraries, ST Japan Libraries, SBDS Libraries, other specialized IR databases, Raman spectral libraries, NIR spectral databases.Visit page of FTIR Spectra http://www.ir-spectra.com/ to view more details /detailed description, lists of ...
If there is only one FTIR instrument, it is convenient to use a stand-alone system where an Agent database is created on the FTIR computer and data measured and processed with FTIR is stored and managed on the database. In this case, MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine) is used as the databas...
With this process it is possible to analyze measurement files containing up to 1.8 million single spectra by library searches against an optimized database of different synthetic and natural polymers. The high quality data generated allowed image analysis, giving information for the particle size ...
The catalysts' bulk crystalline phase composition, purity, and electronic properties were determined by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), ex situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ex situ IR), and UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), respectively. The surface chemical composition and...
According to the ICP-OES data, there is a slight admixture of Na in the H-MOR-15.2 and H-MOR-15.7 samples (Na/Al = 0.09 and 0.07, respectively), which may indirectly indicate the method of sample synthesis. The samples were supplied by TOSOH, Japan, and the details of their synthesis...
Spectra of the metabolite extracts of control and spiked sample were recorded in the wavelength range of 4000–400 cm−1by FTIR (FT/IR-6800 type A endowed with ATR PRO ONE, Tokyo, Japan) following the method of Signorini et al. [23]. ...
Absorption spectra in the UV-visible (UV-Vis) range were obtained using a UV-3600i Plus UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) at RT in the wavelength range of 200–2000 nm. The test was conducted in reflection mode using an integrating sphere. BaSO4 was used as a...