namelist-tlyesno-mdname-value_pairs-tbADMINSOURCEUTC-jnjob_name-ssschedule_start_time-oiminuteshoursdaysweeksmonthsyears-ofoccurrence_frequency-ococcurrence_count-esschedule_end_time -tn template_name -sqgi-sqdttext_delimiter-sqdpprefixpostfix-sqdbhexadecimal_delimiter-sqdpprefixpostfix-sqwtwait_time...
My FTE Calculation column is based on hours worked (1.0 is fulltime, .5 for 20 hours a week, etc) thank you! Solved! Go to Solution.Labels: Need Help Message 1 of 5 435 Views 0 Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION v-jingzhang Community Support 10-18-2022 02:58 AM Hi @Anonymous ...
1 full-time employee working 40 hours per week = 1 full-time equivalent employee; 2 part-time employees working 20 hours per week = 1 full-time equivalent employee; and 4 part-time employees working 10 hours per week = 1 full-time equivalent employee. How to calculate FTE? Our FTE calcu...
I have one step added into my report by the requester, I have a table with all of the holidays taken by people over the years and I want to subtract the FTE Count where holidays are taken by employees. In my holiday table I have three columns: Holiday Date, Employee number and ...