FTB One is a kitchen-sink modpack for 1.19 featuring the tech and magic mods you know and love, with new mods to discover and enjoy. You’re in for ONE heck of a good time! The newly updated Thermal Expansion series, including Thermal Dynamics Exciting new casting style featuring Hex...
完整MOD列表可在这里获得。 v · d · eFeed The Beast 1.20 modpacks FTB NeoTech FTB Builders Paradise 2 FTB Unstable 1.20: Fabric FTB Unstable 1.20: Forge Direwolf20 1.20 1.19 modpacks FTB Skies FTB Skies Expert Direwolf20 1.19 FTB One FTB Legend of the Eyes FTB Universit...
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:628) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:traylauncher:loadingHookCoremod,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:traylauncher:loadingHookCoremod,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net...
Modpack Selection: Browse the available modpacks or search for a specific one. Clicking on a modpack displays additional information such as a description, version, and included mods. Installation: Select a modpack and click the "Install" button. The FTB app will automatically download and confi...
Support ForModpackissues, please go here:https://go.ftb.team/support-modpack ForModissues, please go here:https://go.ftb.team/support-mod-issues Just got a question? Check out our Discord:https://go.ftb.team/discord Keep up to date...
Once you’re on the island, begin to collect wood and other materials as you would in any other world. Use your starter items to help you along the way, especially when growing more trees. One important mechanic to the FTB Skies Expert modpack is that players can shift + right-click gr...
Untold Destiny Revelations 1.18 is now released. Make sure to stop by theHow to Connectpage to get the details on how to install or upgrade. One mod was added:Fureniku’s Roads. The following mods were updated: Advanced Rocketry to 1.7.0-209 ...
ftbstuff.crook(<list of output-with-chance>, )ftbstuff.crook(<list of output-with-chance>, , <max-drops>, <replace-existing-drops>)Optional arguments:<max-drops> is the max items which can be dropped in one break operation, and defaults to 0 (no limit) if omitted <replace-existing-...
After investigating this particular issue, it turns out there are several different causes that might end up causing this particular error. Here’s a shortlist of potential culprits: Missing admin access– One of the most common instances that will provoke this issue is an instance in which the...
Modpack Selection: Browse the available modpacks or search for a specific one. Clicking on a modpack displays additional information such as a description, version, and included mods. Installation: Select a modpack and click the "Install" button. The FTB app will automatically download and confi...