FTB Ultimate Reloaded is one of our lighter 1.12.2 modpacks based around the original Ultimate that was released on Minecraft 1.4.7 over 5 years ago. Ultimate was one of FTB’s largest and popular modpacks of its time and players spent months making large factories, farms, railcraft rail ...
和1.6.4的Monster、1.5.2的FTB Unleashed、1.4.7的FTB Ultimate类似,Infinity包含的MOD数量巨大(超过150个),也没有特定的玩法。它本身面向那些想体验各种不同风格的MOD的一般玩家,以及各种中小型服务器。由于其MOD数量众多,Infinity并不适合大型服务器运行。 在2015年十月,Infinity整合的版本号升至2.0.0,其名称也...
FTB Ultimate Reloaded by CraftersLand, a minecraft server featuring BungeeCord, Discord, Economy, Feed the beast, Land claim, PvE, Survival located in Germany.
When I type "/backup start xxx" in the server it says "Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands". Also the server isnt doing any backups. Contributor tfox83 commented Mar 13, 2019 Ok that is becuase the mod has been broken into modules without me knowing, FTBU:backups m...
FTB Ultimate Reloaded by CraftersLand v1.11.0 4x Vote Rewards for 1 week! Statistics of FTB Ultimate Reloaded by CraftersLand, a minecraft server, located in Germany
FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世界-07 [脑强-强NQ] 制作完整附魔台修复地狱门坐标 51 0 40:25 App FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世界-16 [脑强-强NQ] 制作IC工业核电 21 0 32:55 App FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世界-03 [脑强-强NQ] 建设基地 437 0 02:27:53 App [脑强-强NQ]我的世界1.12.2 龙之通...
FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世界-17 [脑强-强NQ] 架设AE自动化的应用 20 0 31:07 App FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世界-06 [脑强-强NQ] 做出基础附魔台工具升级 27 0 37:20 App FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世界-18 [脑强-强NQ] 建设物品通道处理物品资源 51 0 40:25 App FTBUltimateReloaded 重置的世...
FTB Infinity Evolved (originally named Infinity) is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack by The FTB Team. Like Monster for 1.6.4, FTB Unleashed for 1.5.2, and FTB Ultimate for 1.4.7, this modpack is a general-purpose modpack containing over 150 mods.
Modpacks Offered Beyond, Continuum, Infinity, Infinity Lite, Interactions, Revelation, Sky Adventure, Modern Skyblock 3 Departed, Sky Factory 3, Ultimate Reloaded, Argarian Skies, BloodNBones, Direwolf 20, Horizons, Lite 3, Magic World, Mindcrack, Monster, Tech World, Unleashed and way, way ...