连锁采矿/矿脉矿工Vein Miner(1.5.2-1.12.2)矿石挖掘 (Ore Excavation)(Forge 1.7.10-1.19)连锁破坏 (FTB Ultimine)(Forge 1.10.2-1.19,Fabric 1.16.4-1.19)连锁挖掘 (Diggus Maximus)(Fabric 1.14.4-1.19)连锁矿工数据包 (Vein Miner Datapack)(Datapack 1.18-1.19)连锁挖矿轻量...
FTB Beast Coin Miner添加了一个使用RF制造FTB Money中货币的机器。 下载地址 提取码:xi21安装教程 安卓 ios windows10 相关文章 我的世界极限生存100天整合包|ArctiCraft by Forge Labs752 我的世界Ocean Outlast海洋终结者整合包|Minecraft 1.12.2232 我的世界CRIF整合包|Minecraft 1.12.7227 奇异饰品Artifacts ...
FTB Beast Coin Miner Adds a very powerful block that stores infinite power, and then generates FTB Money from the power. Designed for the new FTB mod pack. We recommendCreeperhostfor hosting your minecraft (or other game) servers. They have provided you a discount code you can use to get ...
我的世界FTB挖掘(FTB Ultimine)Mod 类似Vein Miner/Ore Excavation,更准确的来说类似Ore Excavation的范围挖掘,低配/多mod慎入 按住`/〜键(可在“控制”中配置,更改FTB Ultimine键),则此mod允许您一次破坏多个方块。 (按住`/〜键的同时按住shift键,滑动鼠标滚轮可以更改挖掘形状,比如直线或斜向上/下的通道) 1...
购买Coin Miner完成任务这个机器可以消耗RF产生货币已经产生了越多的货币,产生下一个消耗的RF越多 来自iPhone客户端9楼2019-03-20 16:13 回复 ndsffx304ccy 大型BR 13 利用岛周围隐藏的矿石和开局的魔法作物可以减少购买矿石节省货币洒水壶可以加速魔法作物生长 来自iPhone客户端10楼2019-03-20 16:17 回复 nds...
ftb Here are 32 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars FTBTeam/FTB-Quests Star130 Quests is one of the best Questing mods for Minecraft out there. It has a highly customisable questing system and an easy to use interface. ...
Allthemodium ores include code that make them non-quarriable by machines such as the mekanism digital miner, etc. This wasn't an issue with older versions of ftb ultimine, but sometime in the 1.19 dev cycle, the bug appeared. jacobwroper ...
Sure! You can use it freely. Can I repost this mod on another website? No! Let's be sensible. It's like when you worked hard on something, and it got stolen in the end!
用村民的绿宝石合成AA的Lens of the Miner,配合AA的Atomic Reconstructor、Auto-Placer、Auto-Breaker造矿,三个机器都用红石火把设置为Pulse模式。刷石机使用ReactorCraft的Cobblestone Generator,计时器使用Dark Utilities的Timer,频率设置为1000ticks一次。 9楼2017-12-30 21:30 收起回复 ...
Items banned in Overworld: –Builder, Digital Miner Items banned everywhere: Spatial io, spatial pylon Storage bus Storage scanner Refined storage items Refined pipes Duskflame hex Engraved thunder Garden cloche Exchange scepter, building scepter ...