部分默认按键为“~”,部分安装后挖掘同类方块即可,可以查看MOD文件夹内的连锁模组来确定。各个连锁模组以及它们现在所支持的版本:连锁采矿/矿脉矿工Vein Miner(1.5.2-1.12.2)矿石挖掘 (Ore Excavation)(Forge 1.7.10-1.19)连锁破坏 (FTB Ultimine)(Forge 1.10.2-1.19,Fabric 1.16.4-1.19)连锁...
FTB Ultimine does not work on ores from the mod Allthemodium. When attempting a vein mine of any shape, the outline shows up, and the targeted block appears to break, but after the break animation the block simply reappears and the connected blocks aren't mined. ...
我的世界FTB挖掘(FTB Ultimine)Mod 类似Vein Miner/Ore Excavation,更准确的来说类似Ore Excavation的范围挖掘,低配/多mod慎入 按住`/〜键(可在“控制”中配置,更改FTB Ultimine键),则此mod允许您一次破坏多个方块。 (按住`/〜键的同时按住shift键,滑动鼠标滚轮可以更改挖掘形状,比如直线或斜向上/下的通道) 1...