* * An empty bitmap with a NULL `buffer` is valid, with `rows` and/or * `pitch` also set to 0. Such bitmaps might be produced while rendering * empty or degenerate outlines. */ typedef struct FT_Bitmap_ { 0 comments on commit 4f00846 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
> > For this character (16pt at 300dpi), with 2.1.9, horiBearingX was > > 448. With 2.3.5 it is now incorrectly zero. Similarly, bitmap_left > > was 7 and is now also zero. > > This isn't a bug in FreeType 2.3.5 but a bug in the font itself. > > To cite the Open...
【预售】英文原版 The Bitmap Brothers Universe 位图兄弟 宇宙 Thames and Hudson Duncan Harris 数字媒体设计艺术书籍
Log.d("bitmap:compress","压缩前:"+ count); ByteArrayOutputStream output=newByteArrayOutputStream(); // 第二个参数表示压缩质量,100表示不压缩,把压缩后的数据存放到output中 bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG,50, output); count = bitmap.getWidth() * bitmap.getHeight() /1024; Log....
Bit-map的基本思想就是用一个bit位来标记某个元素对应的Value,而Key即是该元素。由于采用了Bit为单位来存储数据,因此在存储空间方面,可以大大节省。(PS:划重点节省存储空间) 假设有这样一个需求:在20亿个随机整数中找出某个数m是否存在其中,并假设32位操作系统,4G内存 ...