FT_Glyph glyph;// load glypherror = FT_Load_Glyph(face,FT_Get_Char_Index(face, charcode), FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE);if(error) {std::cerr<<"FT_Load_Glyph: "<< FT_StrError(error) <<std::endl;returnerror; } FT_Get_Glyph(face->glyph, &glyph); FT_OutlineGlyph og...
FT_Bitmap *bitmap; FT_BitmapGlyphRec *g; GFXglyph *table;uint8_tbit;// Parse command line. Valid syntaxes are:// fontconvert [filename] [size]// fontconvert [filename] [size] [last char]// fontconvert [filename] [size] [first char] [last char]// Unless overridden, default fi...
It seemed to install okay. There is an error when the following code is run in IDLE: import freetype face = freetype.Face("Vera.ttf") face.set_char_size( 48*64 ) face.load_char('S') bitmap = face.glyph.bitmap print (bitmap.buffer) I suspect there is no "Vera.ttf" file. Th...
//text to draw FT_BitmapGlyph FTGlyph; //glyph int AAMode; //antialiased mode for every char CAlphaBlendColor* solid; CAlphaBlendColor* shadow; //alpha blender bool bInvertColor; // invert color for chrome/skia } FreeTypeGlyphInfo, *PFreeTypeGlyphInfo; // 2階調 static void FreeType...
font formats along with standard X PCF bitmap fonts. The Render extension takes glyph images and presents them on the screen. All that was needed was a thin layer of glue code to fit between FreeType and the Render extension to enable applications to present high-quality text on the screen...
1、使用SHOW语句,查询当前服务器中存在哪些数据库: show database; 2、创建一个测试数据库: create ...
Cairo makes and installs fine. Then, I go back to ekiga to recompile, yet the same error. Looking again at the cairo library: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/gnome/2.16.0/lib# objdump -t libcairo.so |grep FT_Glyph 00000000 F *UND* 0000016e FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden ...
> > For many characters, both the bitmap_left and horiBearingX values > > are now zero. Some others are incorrectly too large. > > > > The first character to show the problem is glyph 3, the '!' > > character. > > > > For this character (16pt at 300dpi), with 2.1.9, ho...
//---// Load a TrueType font into memory. We care about the curves that define// the letter shapes, and about the mappings that determine which glyph goes// with which character.//---boolTtfFont::LoadFromFile(FT_Library fontLibrary,boolnameOnly) { FT_Open_Args args = {...
开发者ID:151706061,项目名称:PDFium,代码行数:54,代码来源:fxft_ftbitmap.c 示例13: ft_outline_glyph_init ▲点赞 1▼ staticFT_Errorft_outline_glyph_init( FT_OutlineGlyph glyph, FT_GlyphSlot slot ){ FT_Error error = FT_Err_Ok;