近期应用傅里叶变换近红外光谱(FT-NIRS)预测鱼类耳石的年龄,作为管理昂贵物种生产老化的潜在替代方案,引起了渔业管理人员的关注。我们评估了从美国墨西哥湾和美国大西洋(南大西洋)收集的红鲷鱼(Lutjanus campechanus)整个耳石FT-NIRS扫描的...傅立叶变换近红外光谱(FT-NIRS)仪器20-21 1.2.2 NIRS分析基本流程与技术特点21-22 基本流程21-22 … cdmd.cnki.com.cn|基于3个网页 2. 傅里叶变换近红外光谱技术 ...以菜籽油为试验材料,用干燥乙腈萃取菜籽油中水分,用傅里叶变换近红外光谱技术(FT-NIRS)结合偏最小二乘法(PLS...
2) FT-NIRS 傅里叶近红外反射光谱3) FT-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy 傅里叶变换近红外漫反射光谱 1. The concentration of protein(Pro), fat(Fat), leucine(Leu), isoleucine(Ⅱe), valine(Val), threonine(Thr), phenylalanine(Phe) and lysine(Lys) are determined quantitatively by FT-NIR ...
张鼎方,刘泽春,张廷贵,ZHANG Dingfang,LIU Zechun,ZHANG Tinggui. 烟用接装纸的FT-NIRs模式识别及内在质量稳定性评价[J].烟草科技 2012.烟用接装纸的FT-NIRs模式识别及内在质量稳定性评价[J]. 张鼎方,刘泽春,张廷贵.烟草科技. 2012(10)张鼎方,刘泽春,张廷贵,ZHANG Dingfang,LIU Zechun,ZHANG Tinggui. 烟...
In order to assess the diet quality of two Mediterranean deer species we developed and validated a Fourier transform near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy methodology on feces (Fecal-FT-NIRS) for the determination of acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), lignin, C:N...
Non-destructive measurement of fracturability and chewiness of apple by FT-NIRSOriginal ArticlePublished: 01 May 2013 Volume 52, pages 258–266, (2015) Cite this article Journal of Food Science and Technology Aims and scope Submit manuscript ...
“Kabaaşı” from Turkey. The models constructed for SSC prediction gave good results. We could also establish a model which can be used for rough estimation of the apricot weight. However, it could not be possible to predict accurately TA and firmness of the apricots with FT-NIR ...
( 2 0 1 2) 1 0 — 0 0 0 9 — 0 4 I n t r i n s i c Qu a l i t y Ev a l u a t i o n o f Ti p p i ng Pa p e r b y FT - NI R S p e c t r o s c o p y P a t t e r n Re c o g n i t i o n ZHAN G Di n g in g ,LI U...