FT-NIR spectroscopy is today well established for quality control applications in all industries, including the pharmaceutical, food, agricultural and chemical sector.FT-NIR Advantage FT-NIR offers a practical alternative to the time-consuming, wet chemical methods and chromatographic techniques.It is ...
Keeping an Eye on your Process with FT-NIR Spectroscopy Today many manufacturers are striving not only to produce the highest quality final product but also to improve manufacturing efficiency by shifting the final quality analysis from the laboratory to the production plants. This will help to ...
Food Analysis with FT-NIR Spectroscopy FT-NIR offers a fast and simple tool for the analysis of a wide range of raw materials, intermediates and finished products in the food industry. Quality Control Near Infrared Spectroscopy is a well-established technique and today an important element of qua...
FT-NIR, fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopyFW, fresh weightPlant cell suspension culture ofT. peruvianais a feasible biotechnological platform for the production of secondary metabolites with anti-proliferative/cytotoxic activity, as phenolic compounds (PC); however, different inin vitrogrowth ...
Application Note: Classification of Herbs by FT-NIR Spectroscopy Using the Antaris II Analyzer(Japanese) Application Note: Incoming Analysis of Sugars and Polysaccharides(Japanese) Application Note: Quantification of Vitamin C Using FT-NIR Spectroscopy(Japanese) ...
Application Note: Use of Diffuse Reflectance FT-NIR Spectroscopy to Confirm Blend Uniformity Rapid In-Process Moisture Determination on a Fluid Bed Dryer Trace Contaminant Analysis in Biodiesel with an Antaris II FT-NIR Analyzer Polymerization Cure Rates using FT-NIR Spectroscopy ...
FT-NIR Spectroscopy: A fast and non-destructive technology for the animal feed industry. Application Areas Feed Ingredients Bruker Optics offers the most comprehensive range of FT-NIR solutions for quality control and formulation adjustments.
The key benefits of FT-NIR spectroscopy are: no sample preparation, no waste no special skills required, easy sample presentation no typical errors of classical lab methods analysis of multiple components in less than one minute suitable for any solid, semi-solid or liquid sample ...
Analysis of olive paste with FT-NIR spectroscopy Production Control Looking at the complete process of olive oil production, many parameters have to be taken into account to optimize the oil yield. An optimal crushing of the olives is essential to break the plant tissues and release the oil fro...
ABB’s capabilities include a range of FT-NIR and FTIR spectrometers. Our solutions ensure the most high performance spectroscopy.