Stamping Oil Conditioning Monitoring At Miyazu Using FT-Ir : Water Peak Monitoring For Line JIn metal stamping process, oil lubrication is very important to reduce a level of heat develop during the process. As we know, the stamping process will produce and transfer ...
With different water contents ( W 0 ), the variations of peak intensity ratio ( I r1 = I 1739 / I 1725 ) reflect the change of the ratio for the two conformation populations and the variations of the effective head-group area of AOT molecule have relations to the ratio of two ...
The D2O molecule can be bonded to two oxygen atoms of the crown cavity in a bridged configuration that is characterized by a broad peak at 2590 cm-1. The D2O molecule can also form one hydrogen bond with an oxygen atom of the crown cavity that can be characterized by two peaks at ...
Our results indicate the following conclusions: (1) quantification by peak height gives better precision, whereas peak area gives a more linear response and correlation with Beer's law over a large concentration range; (2) water bands produce spectral artifacts during subtraction, (3) repositioning...
For the calculation, the absorbance of the bending mode of the water detected at 1646 cm-1 was normalized by dividing the peak area (1646 cm-1) by the peak area of the CH2 modes at 2928 cm-1. The latter was corrected for the water contribution by using spectral deconvolution. 2. C—...
The vOD band of solubilized HOD was recorded as a function of the [water]/[surfactant]molar ratio, W/S, from 2.1 to 40.2. Curve fitting of this band showed the presence of a main peak at 2518+7 cm−1 and two small ones at 2365+42 cm−1 and 2662+20 cm−1. At any W/S ...
With the evacuable optics bench of the VERTEX 70v vacuum FT-IR spectrometer, PEAK sensitivity in the mid-, near and far IR/THz regions are obtained without the fear of masking very weak spectral features caused by water vapor or CO2absorptions. Outstanding results,...