at the-CN stretching vibration absorption peak; from SUCS-5FuOH the FT-IR can be seen:the absorption peak attributable to the ester carbonyl peak located at 1739cm-1 appear at 1274cm-1 the absorption peak of-CN.The results show that the-COOH the,5-FuOH-OH and SUCS in esterification....
Chitosan,the succinylated chitosan FT-IR shown in Figure 1.3400cm-1 in the chitosan-OH,-NH2 stretching vibration absorption peaks,1647cm-1,1562cm-1,1390cm-1 respectivelythe absorption peak of the amide I band,amide II band,amide Ⅲ belt,1070cm-1 office chitosan primary-OH absorption peak,com...
Both OH groups shifted to higher wavenumbers under the tension, possibly because the force constant of the OH vibration intensified due to the erosion of hydrogen bonds, but the shift in the OH peak occurring at 3435cm1 was 14% greater than that of the peak at 3470cm1. The band at 3435...
现代药 (一CO—NH-)peaksat1656cm一(s)and1557cm一(s),roughlye- qualintensity,strongdoublepeakof-SO3Hat1188em (broadpeak, 理研究证实熊胆具有保肝利胆、镇静、抗惊厥、抑菌、 s)and1051cm一 (s).T1188cm一/2954cm一 andT1051am一/ 解热作用,临床上广泛用于眼科、五官科、消化科、神 1188enl~ of...
The results indicated that the variati ons of abs or p ti on intensity of three characteristic bands,1600,3100-3200and 900-650cm-1,and the shift of abs or p ti on peak of1600c m-1can reflect the variati ons of ar omatizati on degree and carbon net constructi on of the charcoal....
表1 松茸(a)和姬松茸(b)1000~1186 cm-1的子峰位置和相对面积Table 1 The sub-peak position and relative area of Tricholoma matsutake (a)and Agaricus blazei (b) in the range of 1000-1186 cm-1编号R2松茸(a)0.999 4波数/cm-1峰面积峰面积百分比(%)姬松茸(b)0.999 2波数/cm-1峰面积峰面积百分比...
Spectra normalized at the 1147 cm-1 peak. Fig. 4. Absorbance ratio of peaks at 1047 and 1032cm-1 (type B crystal/amorphous phase) of potato starch films as a function of crystallinity. The peaks between 1400 and 800cm-1 in FTIR spectra originate from C-C and C-O stretching. Previous...
wereused.Typically,256scanswererecordedwitha4cm-1resolution.Forthe calculation,theabsorbanceofthebendingmodeofthewaterdetectedat 1646cm-1wasnormalizedbydividingthepeakarea(1646cm-1)bythepeakareaoftheCH2modesat2928cm-1.Thelatterwascorrectedforthewatercontributionbyusingspectraldeconvolution.2022/1/5 ...
normalizedbydividingthepeakarea(1646cm -1 )bythepeak areaoftheCH 2 modesat2928cm -1 .Thelatterwascorrected forthewatercontributionbyusingspectraldeconvolution. YDumoulin,SAlex,PSzabo,etal.,Cross-linkedamyloseasmatrixfor drugcontrolledrelease.X-rayandFT-IRstructuralanalysis, ...