八重洲FT-991A_用户操作手册_GER_EH067M361_1809A-DS.pdf,HF/VHF/UHF Allmode-FUnkgerät Ft-991 BedienUngsAnleitUng YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD. Tennozu Parkside Building 2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 Japan YAESU USA 6125 Phyllis Drive, Cyp
八重洲FT-991_A_DG-ID_Feature_WIRES-X_ENG_1712-C 星级: 3 页 八重洲FT【DOC精选】 星级: 2 页 八重洲FT-991A_固件更新手册_ENG_1612-B 星级: 12 页 八重洲FT-891 Brochure 星级: 2 页 八重洲 FT897d 星级: 14 页 nvt八重洲 FT897dprw 星级: 13 页 八重洲FT3D-Catalog 星级: 4 页 ...
八重洲FT-991A_固件更新手册_ENG_1612-B.pdf,FT-991 Firmware Upgrade Manual Use this software on a personal computer to update the firmware of the FT-991 transceiver after connecting it to the personal computer. Important Before downloading this software, p
FT-991A_用户操作说明书手册_DE 下载积分: 999 内容提示: HF/VHF/UHF A llmode -F UnkgerätFt-991B edienUngsAnleitUngYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Tennozu Parkside Building2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 JapanYAESU USA6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU ...
YAESU八重洲新品旗舰电台FTM-510DR,新增SPU-1模块,增强接收范围和语音的清晰度。 7835 1 01:29 App 【无线电】在短波上收到美国空军行动密电!? 1866 1 05:35 App 【无线电】4732mini彩屏收音机测评 6.2万 16 04:43 App 小本经营,求求摸摸党们别来霍霍我啊 799 1 09:41 App 自由通AT-778开箱,25W掌上...
FT-991(A)GPS实时接收功能的实现(BG4NNI) YAESUFT-991(A)是一款非常好的全模式全频段全 数字电台,尤其是可以在所有频段使用C4FM通讯模式,如 果电台设置了本人的呼号和GPS坐标,在通讯过程中在对 方的FT-991(A)电台上会直接显示呼叫方的呼号和直线距
Yaesu FT-991 无线电手册说明书 Backpack with protective cases ….…...……..………..…...…..407.0007.003 The waterproof backpack protects the test box and all accessories.It contains two cases made of polyethylene foam to support and secure the equipment. The backpack is ergonomic for ...
There are four different firmware installations. Each one must be followed carefully. Installing the wrong type firmware may cause difficulties. Check your radio before installing firmware to be sure which updates are needed.Please read the FT-991 Firmware Upgrade Manual before proceeding.If multiple ...