1.DieTasteMENU(SETUP)drückenundhalten.TasteMENU(SETUP) 2.Drücken[MYCALL]aufdemLCDberühren. LCD hinweiS: DieZeitdauerdeserstenStartbildschirmsfürdas RufzeichenkönnenüberdieMenüoption„005MYCALL INDICATION“geändertwerden. 3.EineZeichentasteberühren.DasberührteZeichenwird obenaufdemBildschirmange...
八重洲FT-991A_固件更新手册_ENG_1612-B.pdf,FT-991 Firmware Upgrade Manual Use this software on a personal computer to update the firmware of the FT-991 transceiver after connecting it to the personal computer. Important Before downloading this software, p
八重洲FT-991A_固件更新手册_ENG_1612-B.pdf,FT-991 Firmware Upgrade Manual Use this software on a personal computer to update the firmware of the FT-991 transceiver after connecting it to the personal computer. Important Before downloading this software, p