Do you know this rig? Tell us something about it!New and second-hand prices Estimating the value of a rig can be challenging. We collect prices paid by real hams over the years to help you estimate the value of a used Yaesu FT-7100M. Just bought or sold this model? Let us know ...
also, the only way they get in trouble is if they make an exact replica, and not to be mean but this is far from exact, you'd need the right colors, dimensions, and all. Log In to reply Crashpilot1000 on August 21, 2013 "you guys should contact Disney and get a sponsorship...
Korean Pop Night Concert 2010 will be held at the Singapore Expo Hall on October 23rd, and will feature the artists SNSD, Big Bang, FT Island, INFINITE, SHINee, and D-NA. Image Source: STOMP Rate this: This entry was posted inUncategorizedand tagged2010,DNA,ft island,girls generation,INFI...
We collect prices paid by real hams over the years to help you estimate the value of a used Yaesu FT-90R. Just bought or sold this model? Let us know what you traded it for and help other ham operators! These estimates are based on the following prices: YearHistoric priceCondition...
I’d been looking at this company since I first discovered foam board as a building material. Down here in Australia we simply can’t get the $1 Adam’s Readi-board that is used at Flite Test HQ. There was also concerns about the weight of Australian foam board with some modellers st...
[ame=""]Edox WRC Chronorally watch - YouTube[/ame] 01-17-2013, 03:48 PM #9 Vracer111 Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2012 Drives: '13 Nissan Frontier (4.0L 6spd 2WD) Location: In the desert... Posts: 1,645 Thanks: 179 Thanked ...
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city她还【huan】【huan】【huan】没有陳扬在那一世(shi)(shi)里『li』『li』『li』『li』见到(dao)的成熟动人。.com91chigua1020 category陳扬心頭(tou)一震youtubeapp。他沒想到520341,居然會在這一世里遇(yu)(yu)到苏晴www2016pacom。仔(zi)(zi)(zi)细一想宁波,陳扬覺得自己真【zhen】【zhen】【...
“鹅国人”不是那么好骗的。狩猎者设置了大量的雪雁模型,来迷惑雪雁,让它误以为这里安全,可以降落。图片:White Rock Decoy / youtube 但科学家在随后的跟踪调研中发现,尽管通过人为猎杀一定程度上减缓了雪雁的增长,但实际效果并未达到预期。平均寿命可以达到20岁的雪雁有很强的学习和观察能力,它们在长时间和猎人的...