f427和h750大pk,lvgl8.3.1跑分,f427 133帧,h750 391帧,都是480×320,f427是240mhz,h750跑480mhz 712 -- 0:20 App lvgl之植物大战僵尸,720×480版本发布 3123 -- 1:48 App lvgl h750综合测试,结果还算满意,480mhz,rgb屏800×480 3.5万 -- 1:17 App lvgl之植物大战僵尸最新版,加入新角色闪电侠...
Have not checked DMA access on the SPI port exposed on the EXP header of the SKR1.4 but if there is access then it would be great to use it with that board. I wil test it. But to run LVGL UI, you need access to spi flash too. The SKR 1.4 board only have spi flash in the T...
STM32项目实战:基于STM32F4的智能灯光控制系统(LVGL),附项目教程/源码 《智能灯光控制系统_STM32F4》项目完整文档、项目源码,私信小雯老师免费领取。STM32项目实战之“智能灯光控制系统”(基于STM32F4)今天小编来分享一个《智能灯光控制系统》的项目案例,硬件 2024-10-17 16:16:30 STM32F4外部中断简介 STM32F4...