fsdreamteam-ground services x v2.4地面服务fsx,fsxse p3dv4.2v3v2_地勤安装教程.pdf,地勤安装 1. 解压压缩包 打开 点击安装程序 2.0 点击next 下一步 选择p3d 主 ,点击下一步 下一步 等待安装 出现这个点击第二个按钮 然后关闭窗口 安装完成 用激活器 FSDTActivator 来激
该Couatl Soripting引擎遇到了不可恢复的错误,将重新启动.细节可以在C:/Users/tyc/AppData/Roaming/Virtuali/Couatl.err中找到,在网址http://www.fsdreamteam.com/sa-addon-manager中重新下载并安装最新的Stand-Alone Addon Manager 需要下载独立的插件管理器 ...
GSX + GSX L2 Bundle Standalone Addon Manager The Stand-Alone Addon Manager is no longer required. Just run the FSDT Live Update from the Desktop, to keep all your FSDT products constantly updated. GSX Ground Services for FSX GSX, Ground Services for FSX and Prepar3D, it's a revolutionary...
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 3 After Install - the Couatl™ Engine module GSX includes a new external executable module, based on the Python programming language, that will allow a great amount of interaction between the user and FSX. ...