Take your graphic realism to the next level, with GSX exclusive Animated Passengers. Regardless if the parking has a Jetway, or will use a Bus, GSX will display Passengers, Crew and Pilots Boarding and Deboarding the airplane. It's even possible to customize any airport to create custom walki...
GSX Pro 新功能:PMDG 777 集成(需要 777 v2.0.39 或更高版本)。 GSX Pro 新功能:添加了 8 个新的空乘角色。 GSX Pro Fix:修复了 Leonardo MaddogX 的驾驶室动态灯高度。 GSX(所有版本)变化:VGDS 循环消息速度较慢,以便于阅读。 GSX(所有版本)变化:VGDS 删除了 RWY 指示中的空格以适合屏幕。 GSX Pro...
适用于 Microsoft Flight Simulator 的 GSX Pro 已更新为包括除冰垫。 Microsoft Flight Simulator 上的 GSX Pro 现已推出全新更新,将启用期待已久的功能:远程除冰垫。 在GSX Pro 首席开发人员分享的一段视频中,我们看到了除冰垫在模拟器中的工作原理。simmer 将能够调用 in-sim 菜单并选择一种除冰器,前提是机...
New airport released:KIAH - Houston Intercontinental Aiport for MSFS. GSX Pro latest updatesRelease Notes. New FSDT Universal Installer released, with easy to use license, download and update manager, solving the bad redownload policy offered by Fastspring. Download itHERE ...
摘要: FSDreamTeam今天发布了GSX基础包的最新更新,用户可以用过FSDT Live Update程序在线更新。官方主要修改了服务逻辑,现在可以支持同时加油、餐车供应和乘客登机了;此外还添加了对FLY THE MADDOG X机模的支持,以及一 ... FSDreamTeam今天发布了GSX基础包的最新更新,用户可以用过FSDT Live Update程序在线更新。官方主要...
A320 FSL Integrated : if you have the advanced Airbus simulation of FlightSimLabs, GSX v2 will board the exact number of passengers you entered via the MCDU ,and various buses will come and go back to the terminal to bring all the people to your aircraft. The same is true and adapted ...
(MSFS). This add-on enriches the simulation experience by introducing a plethora of ground services, elevating the level of realism and interactivity in virtual aviation environments. GSX Pro is renowned for its ability to breathe life into the otherwise static world of airport ground operations, ...
Having flown in FSX, and P3D, it sure would be nice if the developers would port over GSX to MSFS, especially their level two with people moving in airports and even passengers and flight crew boarding the aircraft. MSFS…
该Couatl Soripting引擎遇到了不可恢复的错误,将重新启动.细节可以在C:/Users/tyc/AppData/Roaming/Virtuali/Couatl.err中找到,在网址http://www.fsdreamteam.com/sa-addon-manager中重新下载并安装最新的Stand-Alone Addon Manager 需要下载独立的插件管理器 ...
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