provide a powerful tool to study genomics from a single cell. This mini-review summarizes the technologies of single cell genomics and their applications in several areas of biomedical research including stem cells, cancer biology and reproductive medicine. Particularly, it highlights...
本文转自公众号:生物信息与育种Frontiers in Plant Science近日,四川农业大学玉米研究所兰海教授团队在Frontiers in Plant Science(IF: 4.1 | CiteScore: 7.3)的 Functional and Applied Plant Genomics 栏目内发… 阅读全文 发表了文章2024-09-23 16:50 ...
Since its foundation in 2017, Innoventric has been committed to addressing the complexities of tricuspid regurgitation with its innovative transcatheter TR solutions. As leaders in cross-caval technologies, Innoventric is dedicated to the ongoing development of advanced devices to extend the reach of TR...
In the final talk on the first day, Prof. W. Zwart explained his view on the formation of the AR transcription complex and when and where the different parts bind to the DNA in the cell nucleus. Moreover, he discussed whether epigenetic analyses in clinical trials can be used to predict ...
As we continue to grapple the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe, the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America-Virology Division and Cell & Bioscience have published a new series focused on virology and COVID-19. While submissions can range from basic science to translational research to ...
Advances in genomic technologies, especially single-cell sequencing, have significantly improved the characterization of melanoma’s gene signatures and phenotypic subtypes, which are crucial for understanding its aggressiveness and high mortality rate [6]. Despite the high survival rate for localized mela...
The association of neurogenesis and gliogenesis with glioma remains unclear. By conducting single-cell RNA-seq analyses on 26 gliomas, we reported their cl
cell nucleus structure and taste sense were identified. Ninety-five single-copy orthologous genes were identified as being under positive selection and had functions associated with the positive regulation of proteins in the catabolic process and negative regulation of developmental growth. These gene ...
期刊名称Frontiers in Life Science FRONT LIFE SCI 期刊ISSN2155-3769 期刊官方网站 是否OANo 出版商Taylor and Francis Ltd. 出版周期 文章处理费登录后查看 始发年份 年文章数4 影响因子1.333(2023)scijournal影响因子greensci影响因子 ...
Veterinary research today is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and socially relevant, transforming how we understand and investigate animal health and disease. Fundamental research in emerging infectious diseases, predictive genomics, stem cell therapy, and translational modelling is grounded within the integrati...