Our results indicate that current models do not effectively integrate information due to modality imbalance in existing datasets. 有些问题依靠一种模态就可以回答,不算严格的多模态 Are these models genuinely integrating information from various sources, or are they simply leveraging biases inherent in the...
from datasets import load_dataset , Dataset datasets = load_dataset('cail2018') datasets_sample = datasets[ "exercise_contest_train" ].shuffle(seed= 42 ).select( range ( 1000 )) #取数据 datasets_sample.set_format("pandas") # 转换为pandas的dataFrame结构,这处理起来还不是手拿把掐的 print(da...
importos os.environ["HF_ENDPOINT"]="https://hf-mirror.com"fromdatasetsimportload_dataset dataset=load_dataset(path='squad',split='train')print(dataset) 因为原网址是不可用的,如图 hf 原网址 上面修改的环境变量是在 datasets 库中的 config.py 文件中的变量,如下图: 环境变量...
在数据集中引入不可回答的问题,通过分析question-context overlap来分析泛化的效果 probing what models learn from datasets:不完整的输入,对于重要的词语的依赖程度,启发式规则的依赖程度等等 由此决定的实验方法:exploring what models learn by comprehensively testing multiple QA datasets against a variety of simple...
Track and visualize all the pieces of your machine learning pipeline, from datasets to production machine learning models. Get started with W&B today, sign up for a W&B account! Building an LLM app? Track, debug, evaluate, and monitor LLM apps with Weave, our new suite of tools for ...
Submitting Author: Name (@vnmabus) All current maintainers: (@vnmabus) Package Name: rdata One-Line Description of Package: Read R datasets from Python. Repository Link: https://github.com/vnmabus/rdata Version submitted: 0.9.2.dev1 Edit...
(Optional) An SQL expression to select the raster datasets that will be removed from the mosaic dataset. You must specify a selection or a query; otherwise, the tool will not run. To delete all the records from the mosaic dataset, specify a query that selects all the rasters, such...
人工智能——DBSCAN密度聚类(Python)from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs:聚类数据生成器,目录1概述1.1概念1.2DBSCAN数据点分类2DBSCAN算法流程2.1DBSCAN算法流程:2.2举例3案例1(Python实
The “Whales from space dataset” is available on the NERC UK Polar Data Centre repository and separated in two sub-datasets: a dataset that contains the whale annotations (box and point shapefiles with associated csv files) named “Whales from space dataset: Box and point shapefiles”16; and...
For a full list of sections and properties available for defining datasets, see the Datasets article.Azure Data Factory supports the following file formats. Refer to each article for format-based settings.Avro format Binary format Delimited text format Excel format JSON format ORC format Parquet ...