adjusttext Iteratively adjust text position in matplotlib plots to minimize overlaps 17 ipykernel IPython Kernel for Jupyter 17 jsonref jsonref is a library for automatic dereferencing of JSON Reference objects for Python. 17 jupyterlab-widgets Jupyter interactive widgets for JupyterLab 17 timeago A ...
{"name":"text"} ] }, {"@odata.type":"#Microsoft.Skills.Text.MergeSkill","description":"Create merged_text, which includes all the textual representation of each image inserted at the right location in the content field.","context":"/document","insertPreTag":" ","insertPostTag":" "...
AdjustColumnWidth Application BackgroundQuery CommandText CommandType Connection Creator Destination EditWebPage EnableEditing EnableRefresh FetchedRowOverflow FieldNames FillAdjacentFormulas HasAutoFormat ListObject MaintainConnection Name Parameters Parent PostText PreserveColumnInfo PreserveFormatting QueryType Recordset ...
Follow these steps to use the Redact tools of Adobe Acrobat to remove sensitive images and text before you share your PDF. The Remove Hidden Information feature allows you to search and redact hidden content from the PDF.
import time model_dir = '/home/aistudio/checkpoint/' device = 'gpu' max_seq_length = 128 batch_size = 32 # 32 # 可以安装对应的Tensorrt之后进行加速 use_tensorrt = False # 精度,也可以选择fp16,精度几乎无损 precision = 'fp16' # cpu的线程数目 cpu_threads = 1 # 可以在CPU的情况下进行...
adjust adjust  Try it airline_seat_flat airline_seat_flat  Try it airline_seat_flat_angled airline_seat_flat_angled  Try it airline_seat_individual_suite airline_seat_individual_suite  Try it airline_seat_legroom_extra airline_seat_legroom_extra ...
\n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n & *,\n & *:before,\n & *:after {\n box-sizing: inherit;\n }\n a.c-uhff-link {\n color: #616161;\n word-break: break-word;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n &a:link,\n &a:focus,\n &a:hov...
and laban said to him and laban said unto j and laugh while youre and lead us not into and learn to text and let her knowmy he and let the healer se and let your heart at and lets walk and life worth living and linens and liquor cabinets and long beach and lost her balance and ...
You would need to adjust the number of workers and maxBatchSize, depending on the number of executors in the Spark cluster, potentially the size (and that's why RU cost) of each document being written, and the target collection throughput limits. ...
import spark.implicits._ val path: String = ??? Graph.fromEdgeTuples( // Adjust separator if needed .options(Map("header" -> "true", "delimiter" -> "\t")) .csv(path) .select($"V1".cast("long"), $"V2".cast("long")) .as[(Long, Long)] .rdd, defaultValue = ...