adjusttext Iteratively adjust text position in matplotlib plots to minimize overlaps 17 ipykernel IPython Kernel for Jupyter 17 jsonref jsonref is a library for automatic dereferencing of JSON Reference objects for Python. 17 jupyterlab-widgets Jupyter interactive widgets for JupyterLab 17 timeago A ...
This parameter determines the granularity of search documents created in the index. The default mode sets up a one-to-one correspondence so that one blob results in one search document. If documents are large, or if skills require smaller chunks of text, you can add the Text Split skill tha...
Get more done in the CLI with real text editing, block-based output, and AI command search. Your App, Enterprise Ready. Add Single Sign-On, Multi-Factor Auth, and more, in minutes instead of months. dotenv Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a.envfile...
Follow these steps to use the Redact tools of Adobe Acrobat to remove sensitive images and text before you share your PDF. The Remove Hidden Information feature allows you to search and redact hidden content from the PDF.
AdjustColumnWidth Application BackgroundQuery CommandText CommandType Connection Creator Destination EditWebPage EnableEditing EnableRefresh FetchedRowOverflow FieldNames FillAdjacentFormulas HasAutoFormat ListObject MaintainConnection Name Parameters Parent PostText PreserveColumnInfo PreserveFormatting QueryType Recordset ...
Returns or sets a WdMoveFromTextMark constant that represents the type of revision mark to use for moved text. Read/write.
adjust adjust  Try it airline_seat_flat airline_seat_flat  Try it airline_seat_flat_angled airline_seat_flat_angled  Try it airline_seat_individual_suite airline_seat_individual_suite  Try it airline_seat_legroom_extra airline_seat_legroom_extra ...
import spark.implicits._ val path: String = ??? Graph.fromEdgeTuples( // Adjust separator if needed .options(Map("header" -> "true", "delimiter" -> "\t")) .csv(path) .select($"V1".cast("long"), $"V2".cast("long")) .as[(Long, Long)] .rdd, defaultValue = ...
\n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n & *,\n & *:before,\n & *:after {\n box-sizing: inherit;\n }\n a.c-uhff-link {\n color: #616161;\n word-break: break-word;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n &a:link,\n &a:focus,\n &a:hov...
Policy modeling consistency-text encoder China 1. Introduction China is the world's largest energy consumer, driven primarily by its industrial sector and rapid urbanization (Naqvi et al., 2023). Concurrently, it remains the top global carbon emitter, largely due to its heavy reliance on coal fo...