13/09/26 09:47:55 Forms session <4> aborted: runtime process failed during startup with errors /u01/prod/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/bin/frmweb: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 13/09/26 09:53:45 Forms session <...
Oracle Application Object Library - Version 12.1.3 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.1]: After Flexfield Patch 19135362, Receive Error FRM-92101 Failure In The Forms Server Dur
1.在forms_server1的日志/u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/FMW_Home/user_projects/domains /EBS_domain_VIS/servers/forms_server1/logs/forms_server1.log中找到如下信息: ###<Jan 7, 2019 10:48:56 AM CST> <Error> <ServletContext-/forms> <tech-OptiPlex-3020> <forms_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13...
FRM-92101 There was a failure in the Forms server during startup. This could happen due to an invalid configuration. Please look into the web server log for the details. Details... Java Exception: oracle.forms.net.ConnectionException... ...
根据oracle 官方文档:R12: "FRM-92101:There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup" Error When Attempting to Launch Forms [ID 454427.1] Oracle Applications Technology Stack - Version 12.0.4 to 12.2 [Release 12.0 to 12.2] IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit) ...
A.2.1The Oracle Forms Applet The brief message about the FRM error should help in identifying the basic cause of the problem. Often, everything required to identify the cause an FRM error is contained in the error reported by the Forms applet. When a FRM error is raised, the error dialog...
FRM-92101 There was a failure in the Forms server during startup. This could happen due to an invalid configuration. Please look into the web server log for the details. Details... Java Exception: oracle.forms.net.ConnectionException... ...
Oracle Human Resources - Version 12.1 HRMS RUP6 and later: FRM-92101: there was a failure in the forms server during startup.