The Forms application is getting disconnected intermittently / randomly with "FRM-92102 : A network error has occurred"These disconnects generate an error stack...Details:Java javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException: Tag mismatch! <<< Key Line in the Error Stackat ...
FRM-92102: A network error occured We are running oracle 10g on HPUX 11.23 version. DBAs are running Apache web server. Recently developers got the FRM-92102: A network error occurred when they tried to login to the forms. We rebooted the server, which didn't help. Checked the ...
FRM-92102 An Unexpected Network error occurred, after trying to reconnect for a specific number of times by Forms. FRM-92120 A Server configuration error that indicates that an important file (the Registry) could not be located by the client. ...