本集中文名: 乔伊的新女友 本集原名: The One With Joey's New Girlfriend 播放时间: 1997-10-30 星期四 (当地时间)剧情简介: Joy有了新女友Kathy,Chandler爱上她后各种躲避她,Joy以为Chandler讨厌Kathy。Ross和Rachel各自找不靠谱对象,试图让对方吃醋。Phoebe 得了感冒后,她觉得声音更sexy了。
Kathy:You must really like...Joey...to go to all that trouble for him.(你一定很喜欢……乔伊,才会这么费心。) 这里的Joey停顿了一会儿,可能是想说自己,她有些明白了Chandler的想法,但Kathy换成了Joey Chandler: Oh, yeah, he's my...Uh, he's my best friend. Kathy: Well... Chandler: Goodni...
Joey has the best boyfriend ever! 乔伊有你这个男朋友真好 I kissed Kathy. 我吻了凯西 Are you serious? 真的还假的? Does Joey know? No. 乔伊知道吗? 不知道 Is there any way you think he will understand this? 你们想他有可能谅解吗? You obviously haven't screwed over your friends. 你显然...
"The One With Joey's New Girlfriend" is the fifth episode of the fourth season of Friends, which aired on October 30, 1997. In it, Phoebe gets a cold and realizes she sings better when she's sick, Chandler falls for someone Joey is dating, which leads to
and kisses Joey's girlfriend, Kathy, Joey doesn't feel like he can live in the apartment anymore. Chandler is desperate to make amends with his best friend and tries to stop him from leaving. When the chick and duck waddle into the room, Chandler begs Joey to "at least stay for them...
Of the manyfan favorite pairings on the show, Joey and Chandler would probably be everyone’s first choice. And yet, these two had a big falling out in Season 4, when Chandler kissed Joey’s girlfriend Kathy. Joey was hurt enough by this betrayal that he decided to walk out of Chandler...
JOEY: Oh yeah, who's playing? MONICA: The players. KATHY: It's a good play, isn't it? CHANDLER: Oh, I loved the play. You were great, and Nick ditto. Clearly you're having sex with him. KATHY: Clearly, I'm having sex with him?
Joey约会迟到,Kathy和Chandler独处时情不自禁拥吻。Chandler出于愧疚买了很多家具,坦白后Joey很生气。S04E08 感恩节。Monica眼睛被冰戳伤,眼科医生竟然是Richard儿子Timothy,二人约会失败。Phoebe提议抽签互送圣诞礼物,Ross得知Rachel会退换礼物,出言讥讽。Chandler不断跟Joey道歉,Joey让他关在木箱里反思,Kathy提出分手,...
Joey: Is she great or what? Kathy: (to Chandler) So? Huh? What do you think? Chandler: Ohh, she's-she's not really my type. Kathy: Not your type?! She's gorgeous! Chandler: Y'know what I think it is? It's the fishnet stockings. Y'know? Whenever I see a girl in fishnet...
Look,Joey. 乔伊 Kathy's clearly not fulfilling your emotional needs. 凯西显然无法满足你的心灵 But,Casey... 但是凯希… Granted,I just saw the back of her head. 我只看到她的后脑勺 But I got this sense that she's smart and funny... 但是...