本集中文名: 乔伊的新女友 本集原名: The One With Joey's New Girlfriend 播放时间: 1997-10-30 星期四 (当地时间)剧情简介: Joy有了新女友Kathy,Chandler爱上她后各种躲避她,Joy以为Chandler讨厌Kathy。Ross和Rachel各自找不靠谱对象,试图让对方吃醋。Phoebe 得了感冒后,她觉得声音更sexy了。
Kathy: Well, uh, when Joey gave it to me, he said, "This is 'cause I know you like Rabbits, and I know you like cheese."Thanks. I love it. And I know how hard it must have been for you to find.(谢谢。我很喜欢。而且我知道这很不好找。) Chandler: Uhl. ell. By the way, ...
Chandler爱上Joey新女友Kathy,痛苦不已。S04E06 Ross无法忍受新女友过于邋遢而分手。Monica和Phoebe联手承包宴会餐饮。Chandler费心给Kathy准备生日礼物,但交给Joey去送。Rachel沉迷填字游戏。S04E07 Ross弹电子琴,Monica和Rachel觉得很难听,Phoebe觉得很好听。Joey约会迟到,Kathy和Chandler独处时情不自禁拥吻。Chandler出于愧...
Chandler: Look I never should've kissed your girlfriend, and I'm... Joey:Stop calling! !(别再打来了!!) 哎,正值感恩节,老友们之间闹矛盾也不太好,但依然存在,Joey看到Chandler就闭而不见。 Ross过去看看情况,发现Joey正准备把那些新家具卖掉,可能看到这些家具会更不爽。 另一边,Chandler和Kathy也不知...
"The One With Joey's New Girlfriend" is the fifth episode of the fourth season of Friends, which aired on October 30, 1997. In it, Phoebe gets a cold and realizes she sings better when she's sick, Chandler falls for someone Joey is dating, which leads to
AfterChandler crosses the line and kisses Joey's girlfriend, Kathy, Joey doesn't feel like he can live in the apartment anymore. Chandler is desperate to make amends with his best friend and tries to stop him from leaving. When the chick and duck waddle into the room, Chandler begs Joey...
Aurora was great, but she and Chandler were simply not compatible. Kathy Fans had great hopes for Kathy, as she was so cool, so sweet, so right. It was even forgivable that she and Chandler first fell for each other when she was dating Joey. If he could forgive Chandler for this, ...
Joey: (answering phone) Hello. Chandler: Look I never should have kissed your girlfriend, but I’m… (Joey hangs up the phone again.) (Pause) (The phone rings yet again.) Joey: (answering phone) Stop callin’!! Voice: (on phone) Hey! Hey! Hey! This is 92.3, WXRK, K-Rock for...
JOEY: Oh yeah, who's playing? MONICA: The players. KATHY: It's a good play, isn't it? CHANDLER: Oh, I loved the play. You were great, and Nick ditto. Clearly you're having sex with him. KATHY: Clearly, I'm having sex with him?
He's my best friend. 我不得不,他是我最好的朋友 And you're seeing him. 而你在跟他交往 Chandler,I like Joey a lot. 钱德,我很喜欢乔伊 But with you No,don't! Don't,see? 但是跟你… 不,别说了 You're getting me confused. I'm starting to yearn. 你会把我搞乱,我已经开始渴望了 ...