烧饼Clay[kleɪ] oven[ˈʌvn] rolls[rəʊlz]油条Fried[fraɪd] bread[bred] stick[stɪk]馒头Steamed[stiːmd] buns[bʌnz]皮蛋100 [wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]-year[jɪə(r)] egg[eg]咸鸭蛋Salted [ˈsɔːltɪd] duck[dʌk] egg[eg]豆浆Soybean['sɔɪˌ...
油条Friedfraɪd] breadbred] stickstɪk]馒头Steamedstiːmd] bunsbʌnz]皮蛋100 wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]-yearjɪə(r)] eggeg]咸鸭蛋Salted ˈsɔːltɪd] duckdʌk] eggeg]豆浆Soybeandsɔɪˌbiːn] milkmɪlk]刀削面Slicedslaɪst] noodlesˈnuːdlz]麻辣面...
Anything theLowbrow.team touches turns to gold, including their fried chicken. Here it comes in the form of American-style wings, served alongside a creamy ranch sauce and some white bread—perfect for wiping up any precious juices that might try to escape. You can also get your fried chick...
After nearly half a century expanding its bread-and-butter business into one of the world’s largest metal smelting operations, Korea Zinc Co. is setting its sights on renewable energy to cut costs and drive growth. /jlne.ws/3L9AdzZ Institutions Schroders, BlackRock, Pimco Face ...
the broccoli with deep-fried tofu, mushrooms & fa cai 发菜 (which in chinese sounded like striking fortune) was very good. my eldest daughter was not much into meats & more into bread, tofu & vegetables so she enjoyed this dish especially. ...
We started with the chopped liver with toasted pletzel (think Jewish focaccia) bread //embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js When I make it at home, I leave some pieces more intact to give it a variety of texture, but this way — the texture of softened butter — just terrific. ...