Wear 160, 1-11.Barquins, M. Adherence, friction and wear of rubber-like materials. Wear 1992, 158, 87-117. [CrossRef]Barquins M. Adherence, friction and wear of rubber- like materials. Wear 1992; 158: 87-117.Barquins, M.: Adherence, friction and wear of rubber-like materials. ...
The importance of consistent materials quality for brake – and car – manufacturers Read more More friction insights Millions of people every day rely on their brake pads, and millions of brake pads rely on Lapinus solution. This product literally enables people around the world to brake safely....
Experimental study on the characteristics of friction of rubber-like materials and tread compounds on ice was probably started in the 1940's [22]. Considerable research has been made since then. Grosch [23] ascribed rubber friction to two mechanisms: one is adhesion in the contact region for ...
The History of Friction Materials Friction is a fundamental force of nature, and throughout history, people have endeavored to harness and manipulate it. One of the earliest methods humans discovered for making fire involved generating friction between combustible materials like wood. ...
Current theoretical descriptions of rubber or elastomer friction are complex—usually due to extensive mathematical detail describing the topography of the solid surface. In addition, the viscoelastic properties of the elastomer material itself, in parti
Tribology research mainly focuses on the friction, wear, and lubrication between interacting surfaces. With the continuous increase in the industrializatio
Friction and Wear of Rubber Adherence, friction and wear of rubber-like materials. W ear, 1992, 158, 87±117.Barquins, M.: Adherence, Friction and Wear of Rubber–Like Materials, in: Tribology–Friction, Lubrication and Wear. Fifty Tears On, Vol. I Inst... US Springer - Springer US ...
conditions of filled rubbers were overviewed with 54 references,and the research progress in the wear mechanisms and how to improve the wear resistance of rubber were also reviewed.Otherwise,some suggestions were taken on the further research of the friction and wear characteristics of filled rubber...
On the nature of the “statistical” friction of rubber-like polymers: G. M. Bartenev and V. V. Lavrentev, Vysokomol. soedin. 2: No. 2, 238–242, 1960On the nature of the “statistical” friction of rubber-like polymers: G. M. Bartenev and V. V. Lavrentev, Vysokomol. soedin...
Don et al. (1983) studied the friction and wear of Cu-Be and a dispersion hardened copper system and concluded that transfer material plays a significant role in both friction and wear for these systems. The effect of surface topography of metal disk on the film formation by transfer from ...