1910年,與奧地利精神病學家西格蒙德· Freud(1856-1939)的工作或理論相關。Freudian slip 首次出現於1959年(有關類似概念的早期詞語,請參見 heterophemy)。 也來自:1910 相關條目 Freudian heterophemy (n.) "the (unintentional) use of some other word or phrase in place of the one that was meant,"...
Freudian Slip: With James Mason, Nick Simpson-Deeks, Amy Ingram, Benjamin Law. 'Freudian Slip' is a comedy web-series that uses Freud's theory of the split self to externalise internal dilemmas around love, sex & pooping.
noun (in Freudian psychology) an inadvertent mistake in speech or writing that is thought to reveal a person's unconscious motives, wishes, or attitudes. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofFreudian slip1 First recorded in1950–55 ...
Origin myths in the social sciences: (Eric) Fromm, the Frankfurt School and the emergence of critical theory The only people who do not understand them are Freudians and philosophers! Paul Edwards on Nietzsche, Freud, and Reich One thing Freudians and anti-Freudians, Oprah and Erikson, agree...
Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofFreudian1 First recorded in1905–10;Freud+-ian Discover More Example Sentences The sole exception is an absconder of one of the magical objects, played by David Thewlis, who wrings some Freudian pathos from his damaged character, a wronged man who...
We distinguish this libido in respect of its special origin from the energy which must be supposed to underlie the mental processes in general' [14]. Freud's extended use of the term 'sexual' brought him into conflict with Jung, who argued that the principal energy of the nervous system ...
Freudian 意思是: 弗洛伊德式; 1910年,与奥地利精神病学家西格蒙德·Freud(1856-1939)的工作或理论相关。Freudian slip首次出现于1959年(有关类似概念的早期词语,请参见heterophemy)。
Freudian Slip: With James Mason, Nick Simpson-Deeks, Amy Ingram, Benjamin Law. 'Freudian Slip' is a comedy web-series that uses Freud's theory of the split self to externalise internal dilemmas around love, sex & pooping.