Freudian slip n (Psychology) any action, such as a slip of the tongue, that may reveal an unconscious thought Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Freud′ian slip′...
Definition Freudian slips (or parapraxes) are temporary dysfunctions of the memory apparatus that arise due to unconscious intentions interfering with conscious ones and which manifest as slips of the tongue or pen or bungled actions. Introduction If memory is defined as an ego function like ...
释义请查阅词条:Freudian slip 随便看 edgers edges edge sb out edge somebody out edge somebody ↔ out edgeways edgewise edgier edgiest edgily edginess edginesses edging edging edgings edgy edh EDI edibilities edibility edible edict edictal ...
Related to Freudian psychology: psychoanalysis, Humanistic psychology, Freudian slippsychoanalysis psychoanalysis, name given by Sigmund Freud to a system of interpretation and therapeutic treatment of psychological disorders. Psychoanalysis began after Freud studied (1885–86) with the French neurologist J. ...
Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory As part of his psychoanalytical theory Freud and his daughter Ana developed ten defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms are unconscious meaning people are usually not even aware they are using them. Answer and ...
We hope psychoanalysis can work alongside cognitive psychology to provide a more comprehensive understanding of human experience. ' [T]he mind would often slip through the fingers of psychology, if psychology refused to keep a hold on the mind's unconscious states' [264]. 'Psychoanalysis still ...
' [T]he mind would often slip through the fingers of psychology, if psychology refused to keep a hold on the mind's unconscious states' [264]. 'Psychoanalysis still represents the most coherent and intellectually satisfying view of the mind that we have' [263]. ...
Define Freudian slip. Freudian slip synonyms, Freudian slip pronunciation, Freudian slip translation, English dictionary definition of Freudian slip. n. A verbal mistake that is thought to reveal a repressed belief, thought, or emotion. American Heritage
Freudian psychology Freudian slip Freudianism H. J. Eysenck Hans Eysenck References in classic literature ? "The Freudians (he says) have made more or less of a For this reason, the Freudian "unconscious" has been a consolation to many quiet and well-behaved persons. On the contrary, we sh...
Freudian psychology Freudian slip Freudianism H. J. Eysenck Hans Eysenck References in classic literature ? For this reason, the Freudian "unconscious" has been a consolation to many quiet and well-behaved persons. On the contrary, we shall suppose that, although Freudian "repression" undoubtedly ...