Industry authorities and customers recognize Freshservice for its superior combination of built-in AI, usability, scalability, and value. Take a fresh approach to IT services See what refreshingly easy ITSM can do for your business. Try it free Book a demo...
FRESHSERVICE REVIEWS The experts agree Industry authorities and customers recognize Freshservice for its superior combination of built-in AI, usability, scalability, and value. Take a fresh approach to IT services See what refreshingly easy ITSM can do for your business. Try it free Book a demo ...
ITSM Seamless service management, efficiency with AI and automation, and insights for managers. ITOM Consolidate, collaborate, and resolve fast with a unified solution, with AI to give you a boost. ITAM See it all in real time: hardware, software, and SaaS in an auto-updating CMDB ...
Freshservice is the enterprise-grade, AI-powered solution for ITSM, ITAM, ITOM, and more. Freddy AI Deliver self-service for customers, quicker resolutions for agents, and better insights for managers. Omnichannel Email to Slack, major incidents to password resets, see everything in one elegant...
提供IT服务管理软件,使你的服务台得到涡轮增压。它具有IT自助服务门户、元数据架构、ITSM仪表盘和报告、ITIL流程、服务目录、移动ITSM等。它提供可合并的应用程序(mApp)解决方案,使您的合作伙伴和客户能够快速、轻松地将新功能合并到平台上。 Agiloft 4 (4455点评) ...
“如果另一个组织对他们当前的ITSM工具感到沮丧,并且想要呼吸新鲜空气,那么Freshservice将在那里等待。” M&C Saatchi项目经理Adam Le Feuvre 行业:广告 使用:IT,人力资源 设施自助服务使用:300% “通过Freshservice,我们在服务台上看到了无限的进步。 作为一家循证业务,Freshservice通过让我们跟踪数据来帮助我们做出明智的...
Freshservice是Google Play商店中评分最高的ITSM移动应用程序,也可以在iOS App Store中使用 l待办事项清单 一目了然地了解他们在各个模块中的日常工作项目 l不断跟踪资产 本机条形码扫描仪可随时随地扫描资产并维护资产数据库 l一键操作 通过批准通知和委派加快批准过程 ...
可以!虽然许多客户使用 Jira Service Management 完全取代了他们的 ITSM 工具,但我们也看到许多客户实施 Jira Service Management 是因为,他们觉得当前的解决方案不足以满足 ITSM 实践的要求,例如事件管理或资产管理。 例如,如果您是 Freshservice 的客户,您可能希望保留 Freshservice 来执行一些标准的 IT 服务工作流,但...
Katz Media Group 通过 Freshworks 的 Freshservice 增强 ITSM 技术应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库 网络与连接 - 射频识别适用行业 消费品 电信适用功能 设施管理 质量保证用例边缘计算与边缘智能 库存管理服务系统集成 关于客户 Katz Media Group 是美国最大的媒体代理公司,通过广播、电视、音...
Alemba ITSM Aletheia Alkymi allGeo Ally Almabase Almanac (Independent Publisher) ALVAO Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 Amazon S3 Bucket (Independent Publisher) Amazon SQS Ambee (Independent Publisher) AMEE Open Business (Independent Publisher) Annature (Independent Publisher) Ant Text Automation Anthropic (...