使用fresh_mo..如图所示,使用了fresh moves mod之后人物头部模型的外层和内层分离了,具体而言是视角转动的时候内层和外层转动幅度不一样,而且胳膊和腿的衣服层也有错位情况,关闭这个mod之后就恢复正常,目前
Traben: Creator of ETF and ETM and the custom player models feature. He helped me a lot in the creation of the pack BoZo-Xo2 & CoolRanchChris: Creators of the original Fresh Player Animations resourcepack and members of the Traben's discord server (The pack where Fresh Moves is made f...
【Minecraft】这个mod可以让你的皮肤更精致! (cute) Xchy_QwQ 08:01 mc皮肤绘制 阴影和黑白丝 晴空南浅酱 3.0万4 09:38 【生肉】20个有着新鲜动画的mod! CaptainBeanpot 04:36 辣某人 00:53 [Fresh move]非常好资源包,使我的眼睛旋转 挂在舰桥上的华法琳 ...
Fix Moving 1st Person Hand · IthanMendoza/Fresh-Moves Wiki (github.com)For this mod to work you have to activate this features in the EMF and ETF settings: First go to resourcepacks The click in this button (ETF and EMF settings) Click in textures Click on player skin settings And ...
喜欢的话希望多多点赞投币支持一下哦 fresh move是资源包,不是mod,放在mods文件夹里是不可能起作用哒!本视频制作于fresh moves2.2.1版本,新的2.3版本对眉毛的区域有修改(本视频介绍的眼睛画法依然适用),具体可以看动态 4月30更新的fresh moves新版本3.0.1不再依赖CSL或Alphaskins了 相关下载链接: fresh move:...