使用fresh_mo..如图所示,使用了fresh moves mod之后人物头部模型的外层和内层分离了,具体而言是视角转动的时候内层和外层转动幅度不一样,而且胳膊和腿的衣服层也有错位情况,关闭这个mod之后就恢复正常,目前
Fresh Animations & Faithful x32 for FABRIC (CEM Mod)by Pisco within the Mist New Foes x Fresh Animationsby Git_Sugar Spryzeen's Zombie variantsby Spryzeen Made for FA 1.6.1 Old Villagers for Bare Bones X Fresh Animationsby ignixus
Sensei - Take Back The Night (Fresh Animations)by Ribinator Ancient civilization Warden V2.1 (fresh animations)by Mewtwo_150 Classic styled Villagers for fresh animationsby MrKingVM Made for FA 1.4 Doku Animatedby Arkcrawler Visual-Impair X Fresh Animations [Discontinued]by LLotzz Illager Skins (...
There is no meter or mechanic to track these things, they are instead woven into the fabric of the dialogue and story, with characters commenting on your actions and even leaving the crew or dying because of your actions in some cases. ...
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/entity-texture-features-fabric [If you have villager and illager mods, or have mods in general, i recommend using ETF & EMF mod instead of Optifine in order for mod compatabilities to work] ...
This resourcepack is a remixed version of Fresh Animations by FreshLX and its intended to be used alongside with it to improve it's compatibility with Tiny Foes [Fabric/Forge] by LgowzCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and...
First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) tr7zw firstperson-forge-2.2.3-mc1.19.2.jar Fog Looks Good Now CAPPIN1 betterfog-1.19.2-1.1.2.jar Global GameRules GoryMoon GlobalGameRules-1.19.2- Grabby Mobs Serilum grabbymobs-1.19.2-1.1.jar GraveStone Mod henkelmax gravestone-1.19...
A Resource pack that makes Mizuno Craft compatible with Fresh Animations Fabric: RequiresETFRequiresEMF Optifine: Video Settings > Quality Custom Entity Models : ON Random Entities : ON (optional) Emissive Textures : ON (optional) Add-on packs: ...
OptiFine HD U H9 (or newer) Fresh Animations v1.8.1 Faithful - 64x Pack Order This pack Faithful - 64x Fresh Animations Fabric emf or optifabric Faithful32x X Fresh Animations Credit all user follow all referenced packs licenses Faithful Resource Pack License...