Fresh Animations is a work in progress resource pack that gives an animation overhaul to the creatures in the default look of Minecraft. The aim is to make the mobs more dynamic and believable. This resource pack uses an Optifine feature called custom entity models (CEM) to add new models ...
added ear flick animation to pig, cows, sniffer and piglins tweaked iron golem improved iron golem attack iron golem now has a separate model for EMF tweaked zombie villager tweaked floppiness of villager and illager noses cleaned up phantom improved vindicator attack and arms transition improved ev...
CEM makes mobs in FreshAnimation 1.6 fully invisible. It's happends only with Use "assets/minecraft/optifine/cem" option enabled YoungSoulluoS commented May 29, 2022 • edited Alt version Fresh Animations, some ...
Chests must have a custom animation when opened or closed. Screenshots and Videos How itshouldlook like: Crash Report or Log Operating System Windows 10 Mod Version 0.5.1f Minecraft Version 1.20.1 Forge Version 47.1.3 (So I initially found this bug in my modpack...
Fresh anim..已经装了两天了,但是就是装不好🙀有大神教教吗一直显示不兼容,什么版本都试过了就是不行
“这是一次专门针对 Minecraft Mod 圈的攻击。至少从 5 月起,CurseForge 中的部分账号被盗,并上传了含有病毒的 Mod、整合包、服务器插件。受影响的 至少包括 Better MC 系列整合包、Dungeons Arise、天空村庄、十余个其他 Mod、服务器插件,以及使用了这些 Mod 的整合包。...
TrasTick: Mantains the Modrinth and Planet Minecraft pages. Laynce: Creator of the video tutorial for Fresh Moves Fresh Player Animations and other player animation packs can be found in theTraben's Discord Serverin theetf-emf-pack-listchannel. Be sure to take a look....
Added Flaming Skull texture animation from Fresh Wither Storm (FWS) Added Tentacle animations from Fresh Wither Storm (FWS) Added Wither spawn animation Added Wither Storm spawn animation Added Wither Storm tentacle animations to hunchback phases from Fresh Wither Storm (FWS) Added Wither Storm Head ...
added - a new death animation so when the player dies they will get a "You died" screen like a dark souls game. added - new resource packs such as 3d fishing rods, glowing ores, and new bed textures. removed - stay true resource pack as it wasn't compatible with connected textures,...
Fresh Animations is a work in progress resource pack that gives an animation overhaul to the creatures in the default look of Minecraft. The aim is to make the mobs more dynamic and believable. This resource pack uses an Optifine feature called custom entity models (CEM) to add new models ...