Fresh Animations is owned and created by FreshLX. I'm only rewriting for compatibility with CEM mod. - YoungSoulluoS/Fresh-Animations_cem_Fork
新鲜动画 Fresh Animations 材质包由作者“FreshLX_official”所制作,像素为16×16。 “Fresh Animations” 是一个为Minecraft设计的资源包,旨在改善 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.21-1.17杰克勒斯 Jicklus 材质包下载 2024年12月3日材质包0 此资源包融合了经典的Minecraft风格与乡村风格。我推荐使用Sildur’s Shaders...
LATEST PATCH: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/excalibur-fresh-animations-patchThis addon fixes broken textures when using FreshAnimations due to conflicting textures and models. Please use in tandem with Excalibur and FreshAnimations. (see image below)CurseForge...
Download Fresh Animations and Fresh Animations Extensions Expected Result Chests must have a custom animation when opened or closed. Screenshots and Videos How itshouldlook like: Crash Report or Log https://mclo.gs/QAqMhk6 Operating System
In reply to CmdrMCNuggets: Thank you it works!! Also I'm trying to switch to 1.12.2 but I realize there is no skeleton texture in that version. Is it possible for us to add skeleton texture from newer version to 1.12.2? the mod is insane but being a big fan of all that they ...
只需要4步就能让你的MC像宣传片一样!快来看看吧! 如果喜欢我的作品的话~千万不用忘记点关注哦~点个关注吧~谢谢了~(๑òᆺó๑)#我的世界 #mc #生存 #游戏 #游戏视频 下面是本期视频所有用到的资源的下载链接~生物动画材质:h - 菜鸡游戏解说于20231217发布在抖音
Fresh Animations is owned and created by FreshLX. I'm only rewriting for compatibility with CEM mod. - SaishoVibes/Fresh-Animations-CEM-fork