In fact, the French word for “breakfast” can be literally translated as “little lunch.” Their breakfast usually consists of a pastry or toast and juice or hot drink (e.g., coffee). Notice my use of the word “or”; breakfast in France is basically just grabbing a bite or two of...
Unlike in many other countries, French breakfast is relatively light compared to other meals throughout the day. In fact, the French word for “breakfast” can be literally translated as “little lunch.” Their breakfast usually consists of apastry or toast and juice or hot drink(e.g., coff...
The French word for fruit is “le fruit“. It’s spelled the same but the French pronunciation is very different! “Un fruit” is a masculine word in French. In the plural, the final s is silent “des fruits“. ⚠️ In French, we wouldn’t say ‘a piece of fruit’. Just “...
An appetizer. Œuvre here refers to the main work (course), so hors d'œuvre simply means something besides the main course. idée fixe "set idea" Fixation, obsession je ne sais quoi "I don't know what" Used to indicate a "certain something," as in "I really like Ann. She ...
The French word for the fruit gives us the English word for the color. c'est la vie"that's life" Same meaning and usage in both languages chacun à son goût"each one to his own taste" This is the slightly twisted English version of the French expressionà chacun son goût. ...
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Be sure to allow plenty of time to cook the onions for this yummy warm entree. You can also serve this an appetizer. Flamiche - a leek recipe Flamiche is a delicious leek tart that comes from the Picardy region of France. Learn how to make it easily and about other famous foods from...
Here's a peek at that (you may need to click over toFrench-Word-A-Day.comto see it. It will definitely give you a chuckle after reading up on the current scandal! J'me casse maintenant!- Gotta go now! So much for gossip mongering. I feel better (much less guilty) when I'm min...
hors d'oeuvre a small, extra dish during a meal, usually served at the start as an appetizer [literally, outside the (main) work] je ne sais quoi a certain indescribable or inexpressible quality [literally, I know not what] People with the x-factor have a certain je ne said quoi th...