故选 A 。 A 根据第二段中的“Cheese should be stored in a cool, dry location(e.g. the fridge)."可知,奶酪应 该保存在凉爽、干燥的地方(如冰箱)。 因此保存 奶酪的最佳地点应该是冰箱里。 故选A。 C 根据第二段中的“Pieces of cheese should be wrapped in paper rather than plastic, as the...
1. What French dishes are popular all over the world?2. Is France also famous for its cheese?3. How do French people enjoy cheese?4. What is French cheese made from?5. How many types of cheese does France make every year? 相关知识点: ...
types of milk Twoorigins: Labels: The families of cheese: 1. Pressed cheeses. All of these are made from cow's milk Cantal Salers Laguiole Comté Franche Comté Cheese that is produced using milk not coming from cows grazing according to the "appellation contrôlée" rules for Comté, can ...
Cheese Traditionally,therearefrom350to400distincttypesofFrenchcheesegroupedintoeightcategories.Therecanbemanyvarietieswithineachtypeofcheese,leadingsometoclaimcloserto1,000differenttypesofFrenchcheese.PopularFrenchcheesesCamembert(AOC)BriedeMeaux(AOC)Roquefort(AOC)BoursinReblochon(AOC)Munster(AOC)Pontl'Évêque(...
There are more than 300 types of cheese in France, but usually the restaurant serves four to five kinds along with some baguette (a French bread) and a small plate of green salad with its dressing. For the dessert, you will have many choices that sometimes it's hard to pick. The most...
At the Cheese It's a good try to eat the French cheese. France has a long history of cheese-making, with hundreds of different types of cheese produced(生产)across the country. Each of them has its own special taste. You can eat them with salad. bread, or on their own.31. What ...
1FORMER French president Charles de Gaulle once famously said that he couldn't possibly govern a country that had 246 different kinds of cheese.As it turns out,he had it easy.The variety of French cheeses,in fact,cannot compare to that of pastries (糕点) in the US.The country has always...
The Central is famous for many types of cheese, Cognac wine and white wine Sancerre. The Southwest area is famous for fatty and greasy goose liver and Bordeaux wine. Particularly, Paris is very popular with coffee and cafes. The traditional cuisine of France used a lot of fat. Today French...
Cheese is one of the most ancient forms of manufactured food. It is the product of enzymatic action and lactic fermentation of milk using various bacterial cultures. These enzymatic actions and fermentations lead to the coagulation of milk and production of typical cheese characteristics. Fermented ...
Laguioleis one of the oldest cheese types made in France and it has a tangy, sharp flavor with the delicate hint of the herbs and grasses that the cows eat. It pairs well with apples, pears, crusty artisan bread, sausages and smoked ham. ...