French Toast (法式吐司/西多士) 法式吐司(le pain perdu),也被称为「创世以来最好的东西」。虽然法式吐司又称为「法兰西多士」,然而早在公元四世纪的罗马帝国时期,已有类似食物在罗马的烹饪书上记载。 而法国吐司在欧洲流传期间,曾...
在英语国家,有一个大家都很喜欢玩的梗,那就是法国的这个城市: 而实际上,这个含蓄的英国表达是在英法百年战争中,英国一个叫做Colonel Condom的团长发明的,当时,法国人便管这一发明叫做English Cap,而英国人气不过,便以french let...
In the 17th century French toast was a term used for any kind of bread soaked and then griddled: In a 1660 citation, it refers to bread soaked in wine with sugar and orange and then cooked. 在法国人们不吃French toast。当地把它叫作pain perdu(“lost bread”,因为这是你处理不新鲜面包的...
In the 17th century French toast was a term used for any kind of bread soaked and then griddled: In a 1660 citation, it refers to bread soaked in wine with sugar and orange and then cooked. 在法国人们不吃French toast。当地把它叫作pain perdu(“lost bread”,因为这是你处理不新鲜面包的...
As a French to English translator, I take financial terms used in contracts and documents and translate them into the proper language that is used by companies. The financial world offers a number of terms that are not only exclusive to finances, but to particular countries and regions as ...
Translations for plus in the French»English Dictionary (Go to English»French) Show summary of all matches I.plus1 [ply, plys, plyz] PREP A note on pronunciation: plus/le plus used in comparison (meaning more/the most) is pronounced [ply] before a consonant and [plyz] before ...
而实际上,这个含蓄的英语表达是在英法百年战争中,英国一个叫做Colonel Condom的团长发明的,当时,法国人便管这一发明叫做english cap,而英国人气不过,便以french letter生硬回击了,真是相爱相杀啊。 5 French Bulldog (斗牛犬) 这一犬种其实起源于英国,但正是由于它在法国的成功,这种小动物才得以闻名。所以即便法...
Translations for reprenez in the French»English Dictionary (Go to English»French) I.reprendre [ʀ(ə)pʀɑ̃dʀ] VB trans View verb table 1. reprendre (se resservir): reprendre du pain/vin to have some more bread/wine je reprendrais bien de ce ragoût I would love so...
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在法国人们不吃French toast。当地把它叫作pain perdu(“lost bread”,因为这是你处理不新鲜面包的方式)或者叫作pain doré (黄金面包)。在17世纪,French toast是所有浸透后煎制的面包的统称:在1660年的引文中,它指的是同糖和桔子一起在...