How does the DictZone French-English dictionary work?You need to enter the word you're interested in into the search field at the top of the page, where you can already see the expressions offered by the dictionary as you type. Next to them, the FR or EN icon indicates in which ...
French speakers have their own collection of weird expressions that make just as much sense as their English counterparts. Here are a few common ones to stuff in your vocabulary rucksack. "Perdre la boule" Literal meaning:"To lose your ball" What it really means:To lose your head "Ce n'e...
a.the meaning given to data by the way in which it is interpreted b.another word fordata2 7.too much informationinformalI don't want to hear any more ˌinforˈmationaladj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 19...
The French language is a Romance dialect, meaning that it is descended from Latin. Before the Roman invasion of what is modern-day France by Julius Cæsar (58-52 BC), France was inhabited largely by a Celtic people that the Romans referred to as Gauls, although one also finds other ...
It shows that spoken locative expressions are made up of both speech and gesture components, and that the two modalities contribute in a complementary fashion to convey locative meaning.doi:10.1515/9783110354867Mark TuttonDe Gruyter
Ready to brush up on your French? Check out our list of the top 40 expressions in French that you need to know!
The title of the film also left no room for doubt, since gazon, meaning grass, is related to women’s pubic hair and cunnilingus itself as we can find in other expressions such as broutteuse de gazon. This expression animalizes/ridicules lesbian sex itself, since the English translation of...
In this case naturel is a semi-false cognate. In French, au naturel can mean either "in reality" or the literal meaning of "unseasoned" (in cooking). In English, we picked up the latter, less common usage and use it figuratively, to mean natural, untouched, pure, real. ...
- 400,000 translations illustrating all nuances of meaning - Recorded pronunciation for 450,000 words and phrases (Internet access required) - 3,000 abbreviations - Proverbs, sayings and idiomatic expressions - Useful search history feature
More than 60,000 entries, including the most common meanings and many idiomatic expressionsTwo sections, French-English and English-FrenchAll entries, from A to Z, in a single alphabetical listingAmerican English spellings and vocabularyHundreds of new words, including byte, informatique, eurodollar...